Chapter 12 -- The hotel room, wink wink

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Kia and Justin landed back in the abandoned town, where Rilson was waiting for them. Justin was showing no signs of letting Kia walk by herself, so she jumped out of his arms when the door opened. 

Hey! He sounded sulky as he followed her out of the helicopter.

She tossed a smile at him over the shoulder. I can walk by myself. She tied me up, she didnt break my legs. 

He smiled back and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked up to Rilson. I know you can walk, I just like to carry you. 

They stopped in front of Rilson, who gave Kia a quick hug. "I'm glad youre back," she said smiling down at her. "I'm sending Justin from here to retrieve the orb and bring it back. He wanted to take you with him, but if you want to go back and get some rest..." 

Go with me. You can rest on the way. 

She scowled up at him, "I can make up my own mind."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smirked. "We would be taking the Duc."

"The what?"

"The motorcycle you liked so much. Maybe I'll even let you drive it."

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Well, no. You aren't licensed to drive one. But you'll be really close to me the whole time."

Rilson coughed lightly to gain their attention. "I'll take that to mean you're going with him. Justin has enough money with him to get two hotel rooms if you guys are gone more than a day. Here's a cell phone for you Kia; Justin already has one. I've programmed my number and the headquarters number into it for you." 

We'll get one room, and save some money. His finger stroked lightly down the back of her neck.

Kia shivered slightly, and then glanced over her shoulder at him. "In that case, you would sleep on the floor."

Rilson frowned. "Did I miss something?" Then she shook her head, "Never mind, I dont want to know. Do me a favor, in the future keep your conversations either entirely in your head, or entirely out loud. Preferably in your head if youre going to flirt and carry on like that. It's sickening." 

"Will do." Justin steered her away from Rilson and toward the warehouse, where the Duc was supposedly parked. "See you in a while," he called over his shoulder.

The bike was even more beautiful in the open sunlight. Kia grabbed one of the shiny black helmets on the back and jumped on the drivers seat, grasping the handles.

"Oh, no you don't." He grabbed her by the waist and scooted her back. 

"Hey!" She grasped at the handlebars in vain and he swung his leg over in front of her. 

"Hold onto my waist, babe," he said as he revved up the engine. He shot forward and she squealed and grabbed him tight around the waist. She leaned into him and rested her head against his shoulder, trying to block out the biting wind.

I like it when you cling to me like that. He dropped one of his hands for a moment and ran it up her thigh.

Keep both eff-ing hands on the handles. Despite her apparent worry, Kia was enjoying herself immensely. She felt free. It would probably be even better if she could drive. 

Relax. You're in good hands. They drove for another few hours, stopping only once to fill up the tank. He started slowing down when they reached the outskirts of a small town. We're here. This is the town where I grew up. I don't really like anyone here, but it's home. He slowed down outside a small two story hotel, about the class level of a Best Western. 

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