Part 4

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He woke up on a hospital bed. He stared at the ceiling above him blankly, as though it was supposed to tell him what happened and why he was there. He took a shaky breath and sat up. He examined his arms, taking in a sharp breath at the sight of them.

His skin had been burnt so badly while he was hardened that it left a pattern on his skin- the burns were outlines by skin that hadn't been burnt but seemed like it had cracked, as though his quick had turned against him and instead of helping him, just caused him ten times more pain.

"Oh! No! Don't move! I'm so sorry!" A woman called from the doorway as she rushed over to the bed. "I was changing your bandages when I ran out of gauze and had to go get more, I shouldn't have left your arm open to the air for so long. I'm so sorry." She apologized repeatedly. She was obviously new, she was labeled as an intern on her badge.

She quickly bandaged up her arm. "I'm going to let the doctors know you're finally awake." She said, leaving after giving a small bow.

It was only moments later that a pink girl skidded in front of his door, her face lit up like a christmas tree.

She ran over to the bed and sat on it. "Kiri! You're finally awake!" She beamed. Kirishima rubbed his head as he shifted on the bed to make sure she had room to sit.

"Yeah... is everyone ok? What happened after I blacked out?" Kirishima questioned. She frowned gently.

"We... We had a lot of trouble. Four of the villains were caught, all of them being children." She shivered a bit just at the thought. "The building was brought down by the kids, and Backlash, the guy you and Bakugou were found with. Luckily we were the only ones in there. And the police had only just arrived, so only a few of them were injured. The pro heros never made it inside before the blast; they only arrived to help with the search. You've been out for about four days, doctors said it was because of Recovery Girl, she did a good amount of healing on everyone except Bakugou." She told him.

"What were their quirks? Were they ever identified?" Kirishima asked out of curiosity, wondering how his quirk could have backfired on him the way it had.

"Oh, Backlash was exactly as his name states. He absorbs any hit he takes and throws it right back at you. His husband, Silver Thread, had the ability to create silver threads from the bone of his nails, if the string is broken, it turns into a fuse and once it finds a heat source, it blows up, having the same power as a stick of dynamite supposedly. Misty was the girl of the group. She had a quirk that allowed her to create a cloud of dust that if someone were to be covered in it, they would turn invisible until the dust has fallen off, or is blown off. 24 was a guy that when he touched you, he could rip your muscles to shreds, but it was something that happened over time, it takes twenty-four hours for the full process to go through. And then there was Soundwave, he sends soundwaves through the air kind of the same way Jirou does, but in a different way. The cops had trouble explaining that one to me and Kam. The only other ones were the kids, but they were unidentified as of right now. They're being interrogated I think." She did her best to explain it all.

Kirishima nodded. "And speaking of Kam, you never answered if they were ok or not?" He urged her forward. She shifted uncomfortably.

She lifted her hands to show the bandaged wrapped around them, and then her shirt to show the bandaged wrapped around her waist. "I myself didn't get hit very hard. Jirou had made it out with just a concussion. Kam was beat up pretty bad due to the debris, but was otherwise fine. Sero... Sero had to have surgery on his arms. They wouldn't explain it to me, but they said something happened with his quirk that bent his arms the wrong way and broke them. They keep telling me he'll be fine, but they haven't said how the surgery went or anything..." She whispered. Kirishima felt his heart drop.

Not only was that one of the worst pains he could ever imagine, but Sero had to have surgery on his arms, and they had no idea if he was even able to use his quirk anymore or not... He took a shaky breath.

"I'm glad you, Jirou and Kam made it out without having to have surgery.. I'll have to see if I can go see Sero later today.. Wait-" his gaze snapped up. "-what about Bakugou??"

Mina's eyes widened slightly and she stood up. "I don't think.. I don't think I should tell you Kiri..." She whispered as she looked to the ground.

Kirishima's breath caught in his throat. It was already enough that Sero had surgery- how could he take his friend dying? No. No he wasn't dead. He was Bakugou. He was one of the strongest guys he knew. There was no way...

"Mina. Take me to his room. Where is he? He's not-"

"-He's not dead, Kiri. It's worse..." She told him, trying to keep him from standing up.

"Coma?" Kirishima breathed out, continuing to try and stand. His entire body roared with pain. But he needed to see Bakugou, he needed to see Sero. He needed to be sure they were ok, and at least offer them a smile to show that that they would be alright.

Mina put her hands on his shoulders, tears in her eyes.

"No, Kiri. It's not a coma." She told him, she gently took her hands from his shoulders, allowing him to stand. She moved to lead the way, Kirishima quickly following.

"You can't be out of bed!" The nurse called as she watched Kirishima walk down the hall with Mina. He ignored her, looking into each room to see if Sero or Bakugou could be in it. His red gaze caught on Kam and Jirou sitting and talking in a little living area the hospital had for recovering patients. They didn't even look up at Mina and Kirishima walked past them.

Mina slid a door open, revealing the muffled sound of constant screaming. Kirishima felt his heart drop once more as he looked at the sight in front of him.

Bakugou was tied down to the bed, straps across his chest, cuffs on his hands and feet, holding him to the bed, there was a muffler of sorts over his mouth that was clearly the thing that was muffling his screams and cries. He thrashed back and forth of the bed, clearly desperate to get out.

Kirishima stepped towards him, Mina put a hand on his shoulder once more. "Nobody has been able to even make eye contact with him. He's broken out of those bindings three times over the past two days." She told him gently. He nodded and continued towards the bed anyways.

"Bakugou. Bro- calm down." Kirishima said with a grin as he stepped to the bed. His eyes widened as Bakugou looked right at him and saw nothing. "No..." He whispered.

"Recovery Girl hasn't been able to get close to him to even try to help him. He woke up on the way to the hospital and started screaming and losing it. They've had to knock him out several times. They don't know what to do with him at this point." Mina tried to explain further. Kirishima looked at her.

"His eyes..." He urged her to continue on. She gave the weakest of smiles as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"The doctors said the explosion was so loud, and so bright-"

"-Mina!" Kirishima shouted. She winced, her crying growing more and more as time passed.

"He's deaf. And he can barely see." She choked out as they both burst into sobs. "The doctors said- said he's going to- going to gain his..." She had to put a hand over her mouth to try and stop hiccupping through tears. "... Vision back. But he'll- they do- don't know about his hearing." She leaned against the wall to support herself.

Their classmates. Two of them. Had been so badly injured, that they were left with life threatening and altering pains, ones that couldn't be fixed.

"We should have gone to the beach." Kirishima whispered as he wiped his tears away, looking back at Bakugou as he continued to thrash and writhe.

He couldn't hear himself screaming.

Maybe that's why it sounded so pained and broken.


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