Part 10

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Literally everything burned.

That was all that he could think about to be honest. He forced himself to sit up, clenching his jaw as he did. The room was pitch black, the only light was the small amount of moonlight in the window. He stood up carefully, wincing harshly. His back seemed to be the main place that hurt. Which was understandable. He wasn't just cut, he was stabbed.

He looked in the mirror on the bathroom door, taking off the stupid hospital gown to see himself in just boxers. His chest was absolutely covered in bandages from his neck to his waist,only his right shoulder and arm not wrapped in the white fabric. His hair dangled in front of his eyes, obviously having lost it's geled spike.

"Bet they used that stupid antibiotic stuff on both of us. F*cking burns like a motherf*cking-" Kirishima looked over his shoulder in a hurry as Bakugou continued to say something extremely inappropriate. Bakugou's voice was extremely quiet, he wondered if that was intentional or not.

"Oh they put us in a room together-" Kirishima mumbled aloud. Bakugou was sitting up on his bed, head against the wall, he had already taken off the gown, he was covered in bandages as well, though he had sweat pants on.

The blonde motioned over to a chair on the far wall, another pair of sweatpants on it.

"Don't worry dumba*s. I still don't have another pair of glasses, all I know is you're not wearing pants, chill. I can't see your d*ck." He smirked. Kirishima scoffed and moved to grab the sweatpants and slipped them on. He stepped over to Bakugou's bed and sat down on the end of it, wincing once more.

Bakugou leaned over and grabbed their phones from the end table that sat in between their beds.

'you asked for us to be put in the same room ~B'

'I did~K'


'Figures that the one time you use punctuation is the one time it's legit the only thing you send.~K'

'something wrong with that f*cko ~B'

'Not at all.~K'

'answer ~B'

'I didn't want you to wake up confused again. Last time you woke up in a hospital alone... ~K'

The two boys looked at each other, Bakugou being the first to break eye contact with a grunt.

"I didn't ask for that."

"I know." Kirishima replied.

"I'm deaf you can't reply out loud dumba*s." Bakugou scolded, reaching up and running his fingers through his own hair.

'This is why you need to learn sign language. My battery is nearly dead, I won't be able to talk to you anymore.~K'

Bakugou glanced over the message and grunted once more. "Then f*cking go to bed. Either that or f*cking teach it to me dumba*s. No f*cking point in running down my battery." He spoke as he leaned forwards a bit, shifting so there was more room for Kirishima to sit in front of him.

Kirishima grinned brightly, moving to sit in front of Bakugou. "That's the man." He spoke excitedly, finally getting him to at least try this.

'Alright so I thought it would be cool for you to learn the words you use a lot.~K'

Bakugou smirked. "Kirishima, I swear if you do not show me the sign for 'die' and 'nerd' right now-" Kirishima cut him off as he held up his hands, the blonde raised a brow and huffed, motioning for Kirishima to do it.

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