Part 6

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It wasn't long before they were moved back to the dorms after that. Sero still had casts on his arms, but could at least go home to rest in the comfort of his own home with his family and everyone with him.

Bakugou had returned home for a short while to see his parents and discuss with them what he wanted to do about his hearing. But he came back to the dorms as well. It was clear he was struggling though. He couldn't do a lot of the things he normally did.

Kirishima saw that more than some of the others, as he was the one that heard Bakugou scream 'WHAT THE F*CK!? HOW DID THEY GET DIRTY??? I CLEANED THEM TEN MINUTES AGO!!!' At his glasses at least twice a day.

Then people pretty much got blown to pieces when they entered his room without asking when they really had knocked for three minutes before finally going in to let him know dinner was ready.

Sometimes at night, Kirishima should hear quiet popping from the other room, like he was doing his explosions right against his ear again to see if he could try to hear it.

But Kirishima had left him alone for the most part. He had spoken with the others about learning sign language, and had already learned a little bit himself, but there was no point if Bakugou didn't understand it, and didn't want to.

"He's going to need someone to help him." Aizawa spoke. He had come to the dorms to check on the injured students and make sure they were all doing alright, along with seeing if they were ready to return to class yet.

"He doesn't want help though." Mina claimed as she glanced at the blonde eating his lunch at the table. Violently- as usual.

"I know, but when it comes to school, he is going to need someone to help him get his notes, and make sure he still learns what he needs to know. We've been discussing with his parents, and it looks like they're going to try and get him hearing aids, but until they are able to afford them, and acquire them, Bakugou will need help." Their teacher explained further. He made sure they knew it was only a temporary thing and that eventually he might not need help anymore.

But if they didn't get hearing aids for him, what would that mean for him?

Would he have to pull out of the hero course?

Just because he couldn't hear?

"I'll help him. He's been tutoring me for months now, the least I could do is help him." Kirishima spoke up.

"Yeah and we're all looking at learning sign language too!" Kaminari said brightly. "So if we can just get him to learn it, it'll be easier for him."

"You guys are learning sign language?" Uraraka questioned, leaning forwards in her seat to examine the 'bakusquad'.

Mina nodded. "Yeah. It's Bakugou. He's our friend. I think we had all been thinking about it after what happened, but Kirishima got us going and found a website online that teaches a lot of it to us."

Kirishima grinned and punched his fists together. "We can give you guys the website too! It'll be good for everyone to be able to talk to him!" He exclaimed, his shark-like teeth shining in the light of the living room.

Aizawa sighed tiredly and nodded. "I'll speak to the other teachers about it as well, sign language may come in handy in hero training as well; for time when we can't be talking, or other emergency situations." He said with a nod. He shoved his hands into his pockets gently. "I'm glad you guys are trying though." He said softly before he stepped towards the door. "Oh, and you four will be returning to your normal classes on Monday." He told them as he stepped out, leaving the students to talk amongst themselves.

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