Chapter 14 - Trouble

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He sit down in the chairs at Sherri's office, and she looks very frustrated.

"Girls. Tell me what happened." Sherri says.

"I started riding Dreamer, and she never told me to get off of him. Or that he was dangerous." Victoria says, trying to sound upset. "I was trying to help her train her horse!"

"Not true!" I say frustrated. "She tacked up my horse, with out my permission, and with her tack. Then she still rode him after I told her to get off several times."

Sherri just nods her head, still angry. "Which one of you it going to admit who is telling the truth?"

My head snaps to Victoria, and hers snaps to me. We stare each other down.

"You tell her." I say, gritting my teeth.

"No you." She says, looking angry.

We stay there for a bit just staring angrily at each other. I can see the fire burning in her eyes, but I'm not going to let her lie slip.

"If you don't, you both are on stall duty."  Sherri says, offering a punishment. I have to do that Dreamers stall anyways, to pay for the lesson and stuff, so mucking outdoes turns bug me.

I turn to Sherri, breaking eye contact with Victoria.

"Go ahead, I don't mind." I say, and see Victoria glaring at me, burning holes into my head.

Sherri sighs. "Victoria?"

She clenches her jaw. "I'll say it once and I'll say it again. I'm not lying."

"Fine girls, leave. I'll get some of the people that were around to see what happened." Sherri says, very annoyed. "Whoever's lying is on stall duty for yourself and the other person."

Victoria's face goes pale."Good day ladies." Sherri says and we rush out of the building.

"I'm going to kill you!" Victoria growls at me.

"For telling the truth?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not going to clean your stupid horses stall. I will never." She says angrily.

I roll my eyes. "Oh don't worry, I don't want you to clean Dreamers stall either." I snap back. "You'd do a crappy job."

Victoria growls. "You won't get the chance to see how well I clean stalls." She says and walks off Fuming.

I laugh to myself, Before I head to Dreamers stall. I left him in tied up to the stall and asked a couple other riders just to watch him while cleaning. I start to untack him, which he responds to a couple of spooks and even one buck. I bring the tack in the tack room to what I know as Victoria's locker. I place the tack on top and then leave to return Dreamer to his stall.

I untie him and lead him into the stall before taking of his lead rope and closing the stall door.

I walk over to my dorm and let myself in. What an eventful day already. I lay on my bed for a couple of minutes, just taking in my small moments of relaxation.

A couple minutes later, Abby and Scarlett walk in. They take off their shoes and sit down on the bed next to me.

"We heard about the trouble today." Abby says. "Did you put Victoria in her place?"

"Not yet." I reply. "But hopefully she'll be cleaning Dreamers stall by the end of the day."

"That's the punishment?" Scarlett says looking excited. "Can't wait you see her do that."

"It's only if the suspects Sherri interviewed say that I'm telling the truth." I sigh.

"Oh that's what Sherri was doing!" Abby says.

"We saw her taking to people all over the barn, and not gonna lie, she looked angry." Scarlett says.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. She was fuming when we left the building." I say.

"Well I'm sure everyone is in your favour." Abby says.

We sit there quietly for a second. "So..." Scarlett says breaking the silence. "Do we want to go get lunch soon?"

A rush of panic flows through me. "Camera invited me to lunch!" I say. "I need to get ready!"

I quickly sprint to the bathroom to brush my hair, and I put on a light layer of makeup. I only put on a little bit of concealer and mascara so I don't look terrible.

I walk out of the bathroom and Abby and Scarlett are looking at me mischievously.

"Cameron asked you to go to lunch!" They squealed.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah I guess."

"This is so exciting!" Abby says.

Just then we hear a knock on the door. We all sprint to open it and behind the door is...Sherri.

"Can you come to my office?" She asks.

I nod, trying to to hide my disappointment. I follow Sherri out the door. We start to walk to what I assume as Victoria's dorm.

Sherri knocks on the door and Victoria answers it. She smiles at Sherri but then glares at me.

"Follow me Victoria." Sherri says.

We start to walk to Sherri's office. Me and Victoria follow close behind her.

Victoria leans to whispers in my ear. "I go some people to tell her that I'm right. You'll be mucking out my stall by the end of the day." She sneers.

I roll my eyes, hiding my worry. "We will see."

We make it to Sherri's office. We all sit down in the chairs, and Sherri tales out a piece of paper.

"So ladies." Sherri sighs. "I already know who's mucking our the other persons stall."

Victoria looks comfortable in her seat, not a worry in mind. I grit my teeth.

"Many people told similar stories to me." Sherri says. "But the ones that agreed with Victoria's side were very different."

Victoria freezes in her seat. I try to hide my grin.

"Some people told me you tacked up the horse, and others said Calli did." Sherri said. "Some also said that Calli was riding and then gave you her horse."

Victoria's face goes pale.

"All of The people on Calli's side said that she warned you, you didn't get off, and then got hurt." Sherri says.

Victoria is frozen in her seat. " Some people were there later then others, so they probably got confused." Victoria says, not convincing at all.

"Ah, I could see how that would work with some perspectives." Sherri replies. She leans over her desk. "But with other things I've heard, that seems like it wouldn't work."

Victoria turns and sneers at me. "She tricked other people to lie!"

I roll my eyes. "That doesn't even make sense!" I say angrily. "They we're agreeing with you!"

Sherri stands up and lays a hand on Victoria's shoulder. "I'll see you with an extra wheel barrow tomorrow, and for the next to weeks."


Hey guys!

Hope this chapter was good, and I'm so excited to post the next one! (Its the date)

Anyways thanks for reading!

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