Chapter 32 - Not him

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The lesson went okay, Victoria was there, but I ignored her. I stayed away from her and managed not to get cut off by her. I was always on the opposite side of the arena, staying far away from her.

The lesson even helped me keep my mind off things, I just focused on Dreamer. People are right, horses are the best therapists.

Right now, I was untacking Dreamer when someone came up to me. I prayed it wasn't Cameron. But it was someone worse.

"Hello, did you enjoy my show?" Victoria says, clearly smirking. She's talking about there kiss.

I turn and face her, putting a mask over my face. An invisible mask that will keep my face from showing emotion. I've done this lots.

"No, but that's because your clearly a terrible kisser." I say blankly.

He face goes blossoms with anger. "He doesn't think so." She says smirking again. "We're the perfect couple."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah you to jerks do belong together."

Her face gets even more frustrated, clearly mad that I'm not upset. "I hope you know all six of us played you three all along." she says smirking again.

I already knew she was talking about Cameron, Alex, Will, Her, Samantha and Claire. There all jerks.

"It's kinda sad though, that you had to hide it." I say. "Why did you?"

"None of your business." She says. "Anyways, do you want to know how great of a kisser Cameron is? His li-"

"No I'd rather you keep you love life a secret from me." I cut her off.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah whatever. Enjoy your life without him." She spins on her heel and walks away.

I roll my eyes and put Dreamer in his stall, before putting back his tack in the tack room. I grab a carrot from the tack room as well and go back to Dreamers stall. I feed him the carrot and rub his nose.

Just then do I realize the presence of someone behind me. I turn around and spot Lucas looking at me. He's not smiling. I smile anyways.

"Hey." I say.

"What's wrong?" He says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

He grabs my shoulders a little to forcefully and stares me in the eyes.

"What. Is. Wrong?" He repeats himself.

He stares into my eyes and I look away. "He kissed Victoria." I say, keeping the tears out of my eyes.

Lucas has a blink look on his face. "Oh."

"Yeah, so I'm mad at him." I say still looking away.

"Is it because you liked him?" He whispers.

I look back at him. "No. I don't like him." Lies.

"Then why does it hurt?" He asks.

"Because I though he was my friend." I say, looking away again. "It's the equivalent to Scarlett and Abby secretly being Victoria's friend." Another lie.


"Not only that, but the other four have secret relationships to." I say raising my voice. "I hate all six of them."

More lies, I'll always like Cameron.

Damn it brain shut up.

"Really?" Lucas gasps. "I wonder why they did that."

"I know it's strange. Why would they hide it?" I say staring at my boots.

"Maybe because they wanted to mess with your feelings." He says anger seeping into his voice.

"Maybe, it just seem strange." I reply.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look up. "You know I would never mess with your feelings right?"

I gasp. Oh no. He's going to talk to me about us. No no no no no no no no no. I don't want to ruin this friendship.

All I can do is nods my head. I'm at a loss for words. Worry is clawing at my stomach.

" Will you come on a walk with me?" He asks.

Crap. I already know he's going to tell me how he feels. I try to open my mouth and say I have to go, but it doesn't listen. I nods instead. I can handle this.

We walk towards the dorm building in silence, and soon we reach the end of it which is facing towards the paddocks. No riders insight. Of course, everyone's at lunch. And of course he had to pick here.

"Do you like me?" He whispers.

"Yeah, your a good friend." I say, trying to show him I don't want to be more then that.

"No I mean do you like-like me." He says.

I Can't think of what to say.

He steps forward and grabs my elbows. As if he's trying to make sure I don't run away. There's no point because I'm already frozen in place.

He steps closer. "Because I like you." He whispers.

I look at him shocked.

"I've liked you since the day we met, and I know we haven't known each other for long but..." he pauses. "I still like you."

I stand there bewildered. Then I get my mouth to form words. "I-I d-don't k-know wh-what t-to s-say." I stutter.

He smiles. "You don't have to say anything."

He leans down and kisses me. I don't kiss back. I want to pull away put I'm frozen like a statue. He realizes I'm not kissing him back and he pulls me closer to him. I gain back my senses and push him away.

He looks at me with hurt in his eyes.

"What's your problem?" He whisper-yells. "Don't you feel the spark between us?"

I shake my head and he scoffs.

"I know you do." He says and grabs my waist.

In a fast motion he pulls me against him and kisses me again. I shove him with all the strength I have.

"Stop." I say looking at him.

"It's because of him isn't it?" He yells. "You still like him!"

I shake my head. "N-no."

"Lies!" He shouts and I look away. He grabs my face forcefully and makes me look at him. "I'm better then him! I actually like you! Pick me!" He yells in my face.

I grab his hand and takes it off my face. "I pick neither of you!" I yell back. "He likes Victoria and your being a jerk!"

"Fine!" He yells at me. "Don't come crawling back to me when you catch feelings!"

"I won't!" I yell back.

"Good!" He says and starts walking away. "Never talk to me again you sad excuse for a girl."

"Don't plan on it!" I yell after him.

I turn on me heel and run to the dorm, tears forming in my eyes. My vision goes blurry with the amount of tears forming, but I make it to my dorm anyways. I run into my dorm and shut the door.

I run over to my bed and jump on it, putting my face in my pillow. Tabitha curls up beside me as I ball my eyes out, for what seems like an hour, before I roll so I'm looking at the ceiling. I pet Tabitha and she starts purring. A tear runs down my face.

Scarlett was right.

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I had mild writers block. What did you guys think of what happened with Lucas?

Thank you so so much for reading!

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