Chapter 35 - Trail ride

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I was laying bored on my bed when I heard a knock on the door. I groaned and stood up to answer it. My legs hurt from the lesson today, after the little fight with Victoria, and after becoming a junior.

I was sooo excited. If their was a bigger word for excited I'd use it. I could ride with Scarlett and Abby now, and it was one step closer to being an Olympian.

I reached the door. I opened the door and standing there was Cameron. I look at him confused.

"I want to show you something." He said grinning.

He doesn't even wait for a reply. He just grabs my wrist and starts pulling me towards the paddocks. We start going towards one that has Blue in it. We reach it and we lean against the fence.

Blue is galloping around happily and giving little happy bucks. Cameron points to the paddock next to hers and Dreamers doing the same thing.

"Awww." I say. "There playing."

"They really like each other." Cameron says grinning.

"Ya that's for sure." I say.

We watch as we see them play and gallop around, even if there in desperate fields. They start to calm down soon and eat grass. Cameron turns to me and he looks nervous. He grabs my wrist and my head skips a beat.

"I want to do something with make up for the Victoria thing." He bites his lip.

"Like a ride or something?" I ask, forcing my mouth to speak.

He smiles. "Yeah pretty much." He says. "Except like over the course of a few days."

"So we're going to ride together everyday for a while?" I ask.

"That's the plan." He grins. "Is that a yes?"

"Yeah of course." I say.

His grin widens. "Great."

"What first?" I ask.

"Well I was thinking we could bareback on Blue." He says and we head to the entrance of the field.

"Okay." I say excited.

He approached blue and takes a rope out of his pocket. He ties it loosely around her neck and jumps on.

He grins. "Can you open the gate?" He asks.

I nod. "Yeah sure."

I walk towards the gate and open it. He walks through the gate and smiles at me. When he's out, I close the gate and look at him.

"Ready?" He says and reaches out his hand.

I grab on and jump, swinging my leg over. We start to walk down towards the forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Well...I was adventuring a few days ago and I found a trail."

"That sounds fun." I say excitedly.

"Yeah Blue loves it." He says.

"Jumps?" I ask.

"Yup." He says popping the "p".

I smile and soon we break into a trot. We trot towards another edge of the forest before we see a small clearing. Then once we enter it we break into a canter. It's not very fast, but it's a good pace.

After a bit of cantering along the trail, we slow down to a walk.

"We're you just warming her up?" I ask.

Cameron nods. "Yeah." He says. "We're going to jump soon by the way."

"Great!" I say not being able to keep in my excitement.

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