Chapter 34 - Your Wrong

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The talk went...interesting. When I closed the door, I listened to all of there conversations. Scarlett forgives him within the first five minutes, but with Abby...

Let's just say Alex was practically begging in his knees, bowing down to Abby like she's a queen.

After they came in, Scarlett was jumping up and down for joy. She was so happy that the real life nightmare was over. Abby seemed happy, but not jumping up for joy. It was more a silent smile happy. Shortly after their "giddy" phase, Scarlett told me how they wanted to make it up to them. This is where Abby started squealing because they asked them out separately.

I squealed with them, excited that they were finally going out with the guys. It was almost like there first date! Although, Scarlett told me that they just said they wanted to do something's other then alone to make up for it.

Which...kinda makes it obvious that they like each other, because why separately? My excuse to not make it obvious was that I was mad that Cameron kissed my enemy, and that's because we were really  close. Wait...that makes sense for Abby and Scarlett too. I mentally give my self a face palm.

Right now, it was 2:23in the afternoon. I was sitting on the couch re-watching Twilight waiting for it to be time to tack up. Yes I know, I like twilight to much. I had five more minute till I had to tack up. Abby and Scarlett already left for there lesson a while ago.

I watched for about ten more minutes before realizing a watched it for to long. I quickly stand up and run over to the door. I slip on my boots and grab my helmet, running out the door.

I sprint to Dreamers stall and open it. He greets me by rubbing his nose on my hand when I reach out to grab his halter. I rub his nose before leading him out and tacking him up.  I quickly grab his tack before tacking him up.

I'm about to put in my saddle pad when I hear someone walk up behind me. I turn around and spot Victoria.

I roll my eyes. "What do you want?" I say sourly.

"Enjoying not talking to Cameron anymore?" She says smirking.

"Actually we just talked today." Now I'm smirking. "He told me how desperate you are that you had to throw yourself at him."

Her face goes pale and her eyes fill with embarrassment.

"I know it was a trick ." I say grinning.

She covers up her embarrassment with anger and her hands clench into fists. "I have more tricks up my sleeve."

I roll my eyes. "I'm sure you do."

"Trust me it will be much worse then the first one." She says and walks off.  I just continue tacking up.


I'm in the Arena and we've just started trotting. Dreamer is doing so well. We're keeping a great pace the entire time and when Derek calls for a transition to a canter we do it immediately. We canter around the arena smoothly. Suddenly I notice that Victoria it cutting people off from the other side of the arena.

Oh great.

Soon she's cantering right behind me, and a little to close. I turn to pass the rider in front of me and I speed up. Lucky for me, the person ahead of me is one of those "do not pass me" people, so they speed up to. Great. Note the sarcasm. Victoria speeds up to and gets to close to Dreamer again.

Dreamer pins is ears and I give him a pat. Instead of passing, I just turn and go across the arena. Dereks eyes flick to me and he looks at me confused. I just shrug and look ahead. That's when I see Victoria cut across the arena and in front of me.

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