Chapter 37 - wrecked

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The covers on our beds were torn up and ripped laying on the floor, out pillows had been cut open and feathers were flying everywhere. Our mattresses had the inside spewing out, with springs poking out, and the covering of it was completely demolished.

I looked over and saw that the couch was ripped up and the tv had a large crack across the screen. The tv remote has wires sticking out of it, and the plastic is demolished. all the letters my sister and mom had written to me were ripped and scattered all over the table.

The drawers of our dressers were pulled out and our clothes were falling out. I gasp and slowly head over to my dresser and pick up a shirt, it's not ruined, but it has dirt al over it. Then I see that it's not actually dirt. It's powder. I shriek.

"The makeup!" Abby, Scarlett and I run all the way to the bathroom and we gasp again.

The drawers are pulled out and empty. Our makeup bags sit on the counter torn up, along with more makeup. Crushed lipstick and broken concealer bottles lay on the counter top. In the sink there is all of our eye shadow and other compact power containers laying empty with two Plastic knives.

Beside the sink there is our empty mascara and eyeliner containers. Just then I look up and see the message written on the mirror in black.

This is what you get.

I gasp at the words. Then anger takes over. Victoria did this. Just then Abby starts yelling.

"HOW DARE SHE!" Abby yells and storms towards the door. "IM GONNA KILL VICTORIA!"

"I'm with you." Scarlett says angrily.

"Same here." I say clenching my jaw.

"You guys can stay in my room tonight." Carmen offers.

"Oh no it's fine." Abby growls. "We'll be sleeping in Victoria old room after she gets kicked out."

We all smirk. "Let's go then."

We all march towards Sherri's office and open the door. She looks up from her paper work.

"Ladies." She says. "Why are you here?"

"Some one destroyed our room." Scarlett says angrily.

"What?" Sherri stands up in her chair worried.

"They tore open the bed, the couch, and ruined the tv." Abby says.

"Oh...god." Sherri stands up and rushes out of her office.

We follow her and she starts speed walking to the dorms. We point to where our room is and she walks in. She lets out a gasp.

"What-" she stutters. "Who did this?"

"I think it was Victoria." I say.

"Well who ever it is, there leaving." Sherri says.

All for of us look at her confused. "What?" Abby says.

"Whoever did it will be expelled." Sherri says. "But we need proof first."

"We can set up some cameras." Scarlett suggests.

"That would work." Sherri says. "I wanted to get some anyways for this place, but I never found it really Necessary. I'll be right back girls, just going to go shopping." Sherri sprints out the door and we stay in the room.

"I guess I'll show you guys to my room." Carmen says shyly. "We can set up some air mattresses."

"That sounds Great." Scarlett says. "I'll come help you."

"Well stay here and pack up our clothes." Abby says.

We all nod in agreement and split off. I grab some plastic bags form under the sink and hand one to Abby. We start scooping up our closes into the bags, getting our hands covered in makeup in the process.

"Eww..." Abby says, shaking her multicoloured hand. "You can't believe we put this on our faces.

"I know right." I say and we both laugh.

We try up the bags and start to head towards the door, but then I look at the ripped pieces of paper on the table. There scattered almost in the shape of a word. I walk up to the table.Then I figure it out.I gasp. It reads...

Their next.

Abby comes over and looks at the words. She gasps too. "Who are they talking about?"

Then I figure out what the note is saying.

"Not who." I say scared. "What."

"The horses." Abby gasps and we start to run to Sherri's office, hoping that's where Scarlett and Carmen are. We spot them outside filling up some air mattresses. There both laughing at a joke, but then they spot us with worried looks. Their faces change to match ours. We meet them out of breath.

"What is it?" Carmen asks.

"They left another message." Abby says.

"We think there going to hurt the horses." I say making Scarlett and Carmen gasp.

"We-we could camp out." Carmen suggests.

"But where?" Scarlett says thinking. "There's no free stalls by our horses."

"What if I put my horse in one of the free stalls tonight? We could camp out in her stall." Carmen suggests.

"That's a great idea!" I say.

"Well have to wait till night though to set up so no ones suspicious." Abby says.

We all nod. "Let's start preparing."


It's nine o'clock and no one is outside. We start dragging to two mattresses towards Carmen horses stall, which we now know as Miami. Her show same is Golden sand. We make it to the stall and Carmen opens the door.

"I'll be right back." She says and clips a lead rope to Miami.

She walk away with the Miami, and we go to grab shovel and a wheelbarrow. We start to muck out the stall so that the ground isn't that dirty, and then when we're done we empty the wheel barrow.

Then Carmen is back and we start to move the two mattresses in. We lay them down and the put some blankets over them. Soon, it's like a giant pillow fort. The mattresses aren't in the way of the entrance, so when you walk in, there is still some of Th e actual floor left. It's almost like a hall way.

Scarlett jumps on the mattress. "You guys ready?"

Abby jumps on too, and then me and Carmen join them.

"You bet." I say.

"Do you guys all have your phones?" Carmen asks and we all nod.

"Then let the camp out begin."

Hey guys!

I still have writers block but I forced myself to write, so here's the chapter. It's kinda short and I'm sorry it took so long to update.

THANK YOU FOR THE 800 reads!

We've literally gone up 200 reads since the last chapter thank you so much!

Thanks for reading!

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