Chapter 43 - D.E.S.H. training

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I meet up with Carmen, Abby and Scarlett I front of the horses stalls. They spot me and all have a mishevious grin in there faces.

"How did it go?" Abby asks.

"Did he kiss you?" Scarlett wiggles her eyebrows.

I roll my eyes and laugh. "No of course not."

"Oh that's to bad." Carmen says. "He kinda seems like a chicken to me. "

I giggle. "Yes he is."

"Why doesn't he just make a move?" Scarlett groans.

I jokingly roll my eyes at her. "Why hasn't Will made a move?"

Scarlett crosses her arms. "He's not shy, he'll make a move sooner then Cameron."

"Bet?" I say.

"Oh I know so." Scarlett says.

"Okay then." I say. "Also I do have to tell you guys exactly what happened."

"Oh tea!" Scarlett says making us all smile.

" well he woke up a bit...crazy you know?" I start to explain.

"No..." Abby says, looking confused.

" OK well he woke up and just started talking weird." I look down shyly for this next part. " then just kept saying how much he wanted to kiss me."

"OH MY GOSH!" They squeal.

"Maybe he'll make a move sooner then I thought." Scarlett adds.

"And then what?" Abby asks.

"Oh he just started talking about how much prettier I was in his dreams, but then I told him it wasn't a dream and... uh... he just kinda maybe called me gorgeous."

This results in the largest squeal I've ever heard. There all jumping up with joy and I'm just standing here blushing and ignoring all the looks.

Just then Sherri comes walking up to us.  "Is everything ok ladies?"

They calm down. "Yep yep everything is perfectly 100% amazing right now." Abby says.

"Great." She turns to me.

"Is Cameron all good?" She asks.

"You bet."

"Alright, well just wanted to let you girls know, that we're doing D.E.S.H. again this week." This causes Carmen, Abby and Scarlett to squeal.

"When is it?" Abby asks.

"This Friday." She says. "Good luck and train hard!" She says smiling before walking away.

I look at them confused. "What is D.E.S.H?"

"It's where the Beginners, juniors, intermediates and advanced get a chance to move up." Scarlett squeals.

"Basically if you place first against all of the other people at your level you get to move up. "
Abby says.

"So since were show jumpers, we will go against the show jumper juniors." Carmen explains. "The other events are Dressage and eventing. Since that's what we also train here. Then you conpete against people your level in the same skill. It's so much fun!"

"Oh my gosh that's so exciting!" I say. "How high for we jump?"

"I think around three ft and three foot three." Abby says.

"It's literally so much fun. There's food set up every where! It's like a real competition." Scarlett says very excited.

"Oh I love food." I smile.

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