Chapter 22 - It was Victoria

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As we make our way back I see many people looking at me. I stare at them back, but it's a little hard to do to the fact that there are so many. We start to pass the stables, and I see Dreamers stall up ahead.

"Hey guys, can I check on Dreamer first?" I ask.

"Oh yeah of course, we'll just wait for you at our horses stalls." Abby says.

They walk just a few stalls down to visit their horses, and I walk up to Dreamer. He sees me and let's put a neigh, before walking up to the front of the stall. I open up the stall and rub Dreamer on the head. I looks like he's appreciating it. I lean my crutch against the stall door before I slowly enter the stall and crouch down to check his legs. Only the front two got scratched, and there wrapped in bandages.

Just then somebody clears there throat behind me. I look up and slowly strand up, putting most of my weight on my right leg. The woman standing  in front of me has her blond hair tied in a ponytail.

"Im Dr. McCleery, I treated your horses wounds." She states.

"Thank you." I say.

"I specialize in horses, so I just wanted to let you know what breed he is." She says.

My eyes go wide. "You know?"

She nods her head. "It's a little hard to tell, based on how he doesn't have very much muscle yet.." she says. "But he is a Hanoverian."

My jaw almost drops. He's a what!Hanoverians are supposed to be one of the best breeds for jumping!

"Really!" I gasp. "Wow thanks for telling me."

"I did hear you wanted to know. he'll be amazing for shows." She says. "Anyways, I have to go."

She walks out of the stable and I turn back toDreamer. "Your supposed to be an amazing jumper!" I tell him and he lets out a happy neigh.

I stand up and grab my crutch before I open the stall door and leave. I hear Dreamer let out a small sad neigh as I wobble away. I go walk up to Abby and Scarlett.

"Guys guess what!" I say excited. "Dreamer is a Hanoverian!"

There jaws drop. "What!" They shout. "He's supposed to be an amazing jumper!"

"I know right!" I say excitedly. "But your horses are also supposed to be amazing at jumping." I say.

"Yeah true." Abby says. "But that's still exciting!"

"Yeah, finally I know his breed." I say happily.
"Any ways do you guys want to head back to the dorm now?"

"Yeah let's go." Scarlett says.

We walk along to the dorm and walk in. I sit down at the couch, remembering that my mom wanted me to write to her. I stand up with my crutch and go to grab a piece of paper and an envelope from my dresser. I sitting back at the couch and place the paper on the table. Scarlett sits down next to me.

"What are you doing?" Scarlett asks.

"Writing a letter home." I smile at her.

"Oh okay." She says. "I forgot that me and Abby need to let our horses out on the pastures. We will be right back." She says standing up.

I wave bye to her and Abby before I get back to my letter. I start writing.

Dear mom and Evelyn,

Sorry I haven't written yet, I forgot, I've been so busy. I guess I should start at the beginning.

My first lesson went TERRIBLE. Dreamer bucked and reared but I'm fine. I had to take private lessons, and now Dreamer listens very well we're just working on jumping now.

I met Scarlett and Abby, my roommates, there the best. (I've also made an enemy.) and today I even found out that Dreamer is a Hanoverian.

Regarding me lately, I've actually gotten in some trouble. Dreamer escaped and almost got attacked my two wolves, but I managed to fend them off. One bit me anyways, but I'm fine now, I just can't ride for a week.

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine


I fold the paper in half before I stuff it in the envelope. Just then there's a knock on the door. I go answer it and there is Sherri, Abby, and Scarlett at the door.

"I want to know what happened." Sherri says and I step outside with the three of them.

"Basically, Dreamer was tied up, got lose, and ran into the forest. When I got there two wolves were trying to attack him." I explain. "So I tried to get them far enough away so I could hop on Dreamer and ride back. Then one wolf bit me when I was hoping on, and then I just rode back."

"Oh." Sherri said. "Who tied him up?"

"Victoria. She was mucking out his stall." I say. "She might've purposely untied him." I say, a little angry at Victoria.

Just then I look over and see Cameron glaring at me. Oh...crap.

"Oh. I'll ask Victoria about it." Sherri says, looking a little angry. "See you later ladies."

She walks off and suddenly there's a hand on my wrist pulling me away. Its Cameron. He pulls me around the building before we stop moving. I turn to look at him, and he meets my eyes with a glare.

"You lied." He grumbles sourly.

"Well kinda, I just didn't tell yo-" I start.

"You still lied." I huffs. "I'm gonna go murder her." He growls, but I grab his wrists.

"No." I say.

"Why not? It's her darn fault that your hurt!" He growls. "Plus, you lied, you shouldn't get a say."

"I lied because I didn't want you reacting like this!" I say loudly and a little mad.

"You don't understand!" Cameron shouts. "You could have died."

"But I didn't."

"You didn't see how much blood was on the ground, or how pale you were, or how scared Dreamer was. You looked dead." Cameron says, very mad. "You almost died."

"Well I didn't! I'm hear and I'm fine!" I yell.

"But your not fine! You have a deep cut in your leg and your not even mad at the person that's responsible!" He yells back.

"I am mad at her, but not about the bite. That's not her fault." I says.

"But she let your horse into the forest!" He shouts.

"Yes she did, but she didn't get the wolves, and she didn't tell Dreamer to go where he did." I say. "So calm down."

"But-" he starts.

I place my hands on his jaw line so he doesn't look away. "No, I'm okay Cameron, that's what matters."

"I Swear, I'm still going after her." He says trying to pull my hands off his face. He doesn't succeed.

"No your not. Sherri will punish her you don't need to do that Cam." I say remembering that he wanted me to call him Cam.

He relaxes, and stops trying pull my hands of his face. He stares into my eyes, and I feel his hand go on my waist.

"Do you promise?" I ask.

"Fine..." he says calmly. "I won't hurt her."

I take my hands of his jaw and trail my hands down his neck and arms, slowly taking them off, before I grab his hands off my waist, clasping our hands together. We stay there for a moment before I decide to say something.

"Thank you." I whisper, before I let go off his hands and walk away.

Yasss another chapter!

This one was pretty fun to write, please vote and comment!

Thanks for reading!

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