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Yeosang's pov

"How are you going to make me happy, when not even I can?" I asked softly. San tightened his arms around my sickly thin waist and gasped. My stomach growled lowly for food it knew it couldn't receive.

"We can start with eating, maybe once you can hold down regular food you'll have more energy. What do you want to try eating?" San asked, his hands on my tummy. I placed my hands over his.

"I don't know, it's been a year since I've ate regular food. Maybe just some scrambled eggs since they're light?" I shrugged. San nodded against my shoulder and left the room to go cook.

"Yeosang, why do you do this to yourself?" Wooyoung asked slowly as he pulled me back to the bed. I sighed quietly.

"It's because I deserve it. I let them take me and didn't put up much of a fight. If I had actually fought, maybe I wouldn't be like this. I knew if I struggled it would be worse, so I didn't. I just let them, so I deserve all that I have done to myself, and more." I stated and cuddled into Wooyoung. I stifled a laugh.

"Do you think San realized he was naked?" A loud scream came from downstairs. I busted out laughing joyously. San sprinted back upstairs and entered his bedroom again.

"Have you come back for clothes?" I giggled and tossed my head back. San laughed mockingly at me.

"Why didn't either of you tell me I was still naked? I was already starting to cook then Mingi walked in and screamed at me!" San pouted as he walked to his drawers. He slid on a pair of boxers and threw a pair at Wooyoung.

"Fine.." Wooyoung mumbled and stood up to pull the cloth on. He laid back down beside me with his arms open. I climbed into his arms and cuddled him close.

Mingi walked into the bedroom.

"What's going on, you three? Why did I have to see San naked, then come into his bedroom to see you two cuddled up?" Mingi asked as the other sins piled into the room.

San and Wooyoung looked at me, then each other. San motioned for Wooyoung to talk.

"Well, last night was a.. monumental moment for the three of us, so now we cuddle afterwards."

"You three actually had sex?" Hongjoong asked angrily. I smiled fearfully.

"Yeah, I'm just a whore." I teared up again and hid my face in Wooyoung's chest. I cried a little into the sin of lust as he held me close.

"Baby, you aren't a whore. It happened in the heat of the moment. None of us think you're a whore, right guys?" San spoke once he came to sit behind me. He rubbed my back soothingly as he talked.

"I mean, he did just meet us formally yesterday..." Seonghwa mumbled. I cried harder into Wooyoung.

"I know- I know it was really quick of me, but it felt right, like I was meant to be with them last night." I sobbed out. Wooyoung and San smiled sweetly at me before glaring at the others.

"Don't scold him or hate him! I initiated it, and he allowed it, then Wooyoung joined. I started it, so hate me, not him." San pushed, standing up physically to Seonghwa despite being shorter.

Seonghwa pushed San away from him. San threw a punch at Seonghwa.

"Guys, don't fight!" I cried. My plea went unheard as the two fought on. I shakily stood up, biting back the pain in my hips, then tried to separate the two.

I was punched, my cheek started stinging. I stood still, rigid, emotionless despite the constant tears falling.

"Did neither of you hear me? I said to stop— to not fight, but you did anyways. If you want to act like children, I'll punish you like children." I claimed, grabbing both by their ears. They whined in pain as I squeezed the cartilage.

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