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Yeosang's pov

"Guys, you know how I am. I can't eat more than a few bites of food or else I get sick. I'm sorry." I mumbled softly. San lifted my chin and kissed my lips sweetly.

"Just eat what you can handle, Sangie. We understand how you feel, but please try?" Wooyoung asked. I smiled widely and nodded.

"I'll try to eat a lot to make you guys happy!" I exclaimed and ran into the cute cafe. San and Wooyoung laughed and came in behind me. Wooyoung wrapped his arms around my waist as we stood in line.

"Three slices of red velvet cake and three vanilla milkshakes, please!" San requested. The cafe worker nodded her head and entered the order.

"Your food will be ready in just a few minutes!" She smiled. San nodded and led us to a table near a window. I gazed out of the window.

"Look there's a bird!" I exclaimed. San and Wooyoung cooed at me and pinched my cheeks.

   "Guys!" I whined until they let go. They smiled sweetly at me and kissed my cheeks. The cafe worker brought us our cakes and milkshakes swiftly.

   "Cake!" I exclaimed happily. I could feel San and Wooyoung gazing at me, so I looked up at them.

   "What?" I asked. A forkful of cake was pressed to my lips. I smiled widely and accepted San's cake.

    "Thank you!" I spoke through the mouthful. I swallowed the cake then took a drink of my milkshake.

   At the cafe I ate bite after bite to make my boyfriends happy. I soon grew nauseous, so I took the bottle of tums from my bag and took two.

    "Are you feeling okay, baby?" San asked, visibly concerned. I nodded my head as I chewed the medicine.

   "Yeah, I'm just shocked I ate and drank so much just now. My tummy hurts a little so I took some tums. I'll be okay!" I smiled widely. San looked unconvinced, but nodded anyways.

   "Thank you for trying." Wooyoung petted my hair gently. I smiled and leaned more into his touch. He smiled and continued to toy with my hair gently as we sat. I yawned cutely and rubbed my full stomach.

    "Are you sleepy?" San asked sweetly. I nodded my head and gently rubbed my eyes to try to wake up more.

    "We can hit the bookstore another day, baby. Let's get you home to sleep." San kissed my forehead, then lifted me into his arms.

   I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head against his chest above his heart. I smiled as the gentle beat began to lull me to sleep.

    "Thank you..." I whispered as I fell asleep soundly. I felt San and Wooyoung kiss me before I fell completely under.

   "Yeosang, what did you call a 'family meeting' for?" Yunho asked as I stood in the center of them all. They all looked at me confused.

   "I need to clear something about humans up to you all. Sex isn't the best or only way to show you love someone." I heard a few gasps.

    "What do you mean? That's what Won—" I snapped my neck to see Hongjoong. I wore a small glare to shut him up.

   "Don't you remember what that bastard did to me?" I asked lowly. I shook my casted arm towards him.

"Anyways, sex isn't the only way to show you love someone. You can do simple things like flowers or chocolates or whatever. You can write a song if you write. You can do anything sentimental and it's a way to show love." I smiled. They still looked at me a little confusedly.

"While I enjoy it, I don't want sex as the only show of care or love. Did I clear it up any?" I asked. Wooyoung looked at me with wide eyes.

"Did we do something wrong?" He asked softly. I shook my head.

"It's not wrong, but it's not exactly right either. I don't want to be just someone you guys have sex with. I don't want to feel like an object to you guys." I lowered my head. I felt a hand run itself through my hair sweetly.

"Yunho?" I asked. He smiled reassuringly at me.

"You'll never be an object to us, Yeosang." He pecked my forehead slowly. I closed my eyes happily, just enjoying the experience.

"Thank you." I said. He kissed my forehead again. He received a gentle push from Hongjoong, who pecked my cheek.

"Guys!" I laughed happily as soon everyone had kissed me sweetly. San, Wooyoung, and Mingi kissed my lips while the others kissed my cheeks or forehead.

"Sorry, you're just so irresistible." Mingi smiled. I smiled back and hugged his waist. Seonghwa coughed behind him.

    "Aren't you forgetting my request?" He asked jealously. I blushed and shook my head.

"No, but clarify it for me, would you? What exactly do you want because I'm sleepy?" I rubbed my eyes softly. Seonghwa cooed at me.

"I wanted our night, but if you're too tired I'll wait." He smiled and ruffled my hair. I looked up at him sleepily. I held my arms out toward him.

    "Can you cuddle me instead?" I asked. He nodded his head and picked me up. He kissed my cheek and carried me to his bedroom.

   "Absolutely." Seonghwa says and gently sits me down. I bounce lightly on the mattress.

   "Your bed is cozy." I commented and laid down. Seonghwa stripped himself of his shirt and jeans before climbing into bed with me. I blushed darkly.

   "Thank you," He smiled and kissed my hair. I slowly got more comfortable with him being half naked and cuddled into his side. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.

   "Goodnight." I sighed contently.

  "Goodnight, Love." Seonghwa replies and rakes his hand through my hair. I hum in happiness and lean into his touch.

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