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     Yeosang's pov

    "Baby, why would you even try to eat so much at once? Didn't you know it could hurt you?" Wooyoung asked gently. I sighed and nodded my head.

    "I knew it would hurt me, but I liked how happy they looked as I ate more and more..." I mumbled softly. San pecked my lips lovingly.

    "Baby, we told you you didn't have to do that for us anymore. You're making progress, and that's amazing. Your progress makes us so incredibly happy, Yeo. Please don't over feed yourself like that again, okay? It can't be too fun vomiting so much." San smiled sadly. I shook my head and made a disgusted face.

    "I hate throwing up." I whined and rubbed my throat. They cooed at me and kissed my neck.

   "Come on, we'll cuddle you baby." Wooyoung smiled and grabbed our hands. I smiled widely and followed them into Wooyoung's bedroom. Jae would be going sleep any minute now and we didn't want to disturb his slumber.

    "Guys, I appreciate this. Thank you." I mumbled and fell asleep in their arms. I felt their grips tighten around me protectively.

"We love you." They said in unison. I smiled happily and nuzzled my nose further into San's chest. Wooyoung cuddled himself closer to my back, his arm thrown over San and I's waists.

    "I love you too." I whispered before sleep consumed me completely. I fell asleep safely in the arms of my lovers. I felt like nothing could harm me.

     "What the hell do you mean?" I heard San yell loudly. I flinched and curled closer to Wooyoung in fear. Wooyoung brought me to his chest and ran his fingers through my hair softly.

    "Woo, what's happening?" I asked timidly. His face was stone cold as he glared at the people outside of his bedroom door. His face grew softer as he looked down at me. He smiled and pecked my lips.

   "Seonghwa never changed." Wooyoung scowled. I looked at him confused.

   "But he seemed just fine on our date—"

   "That's out in public, baby. Inside our home he's a monstrosity, only wanting to be close to you to get into your pants still. He's disgusting- what do you see in him, Yeo?" Wooyoung asked. I smiled and played with his fingers.

   "He was really sweet on our date, making me happy to be with him. I thought he had changed from all of the assaulting but I guess not." I mumbled as tears welled in my eyes. Wooyoung comforted me as I cried softly.

   "I can't let Sam fight all of my battles, can I?" I spoke calmly and wiped my tears. I stood up from the warmth of Wooyoung's bed and walked out of the room, not caring that I was only in my boxers and one of Wooyoung's shirts.

   "Why would you even go on a date with him if you're just trying to get in his pants? He's not some sex slave, Hwa! He's a human being with feelings and hopes and ideals!" San exclaimed. I turned stone cold as a tear slid down my cheek.

   "So you really are just using me for sex?" I asked softly, my voice rigid and cold. Seonghwa smirked and nodded.

    "If San, Wooyoung and Mingi all stick with you, you must be a good fuck." He claimed. I reached up and slapped his cheek as hard as I could muster. His face turned towards the left since I hit his right cheek.

    "You will never have me even close to what San, Wooyoung and Mingi have. I'm not an object, mr big bad demon. So please, fuck off? I'm done with your bullshit." I yelled. Hongjoong and Yunho came up the stairs to find out why I was yelling.

   "Ask him yourselves, I'm going back to bed." I state emotionlessly and grab San's hand. I dragged him into the bedroom and chucked the large shirt I was wearing somewhere in the room. San and Wooyoung gasped seeing fresh marks on my thighs. I ignored them and climbed in the middle of the pair.

   "Baby, what happened? You were clean for a month!" San cried as his fingers traced the new scabbed over marks.

    "Old pains die hard, guys. Seeing Wonho and Hyungwon stirred up the pain again and I just caved. I couldn't handle it anymore, I had to do something. I would rather hurt myself over and over than to hurt any of you- even Seonghwa- just once." I responded and laid down on the bed. I pulled the covers high over my body and closed my eyes. San And Wooyoung sat me up.

   "We aren't done talking. You know you can talk to us about anything, right? It doesn't matter if it's something small or something big, just please don't handle it all on your own. We love you so, so much." Wooyoung claimed. Tears rolled down my cheeks rapidly.

    "Am I really just being used? Are you guys using me too?" I asked sadly. San And Wooyoung quickly hugged me tightly.

    "Baby, why would you think that? We would never just use you; we love you too much to even think about hurting you." San smiled and kissed my lips. My tears soaked his cheeks as I kissed back.

    "I love you guys." I smiled and wiped away the tears on our faces. They kissed my cheeks and laid down with me this time.

    "But I still don't understand it. Why would he think a date would be enough to have sex with me?" I mumbled and held their hands. They laced our fingers together sweetly.

    "He hates that you've let three people have sex with you and not him. He thought that since you let us have you, you would let him after a date." Wooyoung said. I nodded and stayed close to my boyfriends.

    "That's not how I am." I mumbled. They understood and kissed my forehead. I smiled happily and began to fall back asleep.

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