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Third pov

Yeosang's unhealthily thin form fell to the carpet. His head banged onto the carpet harshly as his body gave way.

"Seonghwa, What did you do?" Yunho asked, running towards Yeosang. He knelt beside he human and pulled his head to rest in his lap. San and Wooyoung- along with everyone else- barreled into the room worriedly.

San held himself back from throwing punch after punch at the taller male.

"What did you do to him?" Wooyoung exclaimed, his face red with anger. He dropped to his knees beside Yeosang and gently wiped the spit from his neck.

"You tried to force yourself on him, didn't you? Is that why there's spit all over his neck?" Wooyoung asked once he finished drying Yeosang.

"He did say he was a whore this morning." Seonghwa grinned pridefully. Wooyoung threw punche after punche at Seonghwa, who did nothing to protect himself.

"You absolute—"

Yeosang's pov

"Wooyoung, Stop!" I mumbled as I weakly sat up.

Wooyoung immediately stood up from Seonghwa's aching form and ran to me. He gently pets my hair as he pecks my forehead.

"Are you okay? I'll beat him up more if—"

"I said for you to stop, didn't I? I'll be okay, I promise. It's not the first time."I mumbled and stood up. My body wavered and gave in under him. I fell limply back to the ground as Wooyoung caught me.

"Where do you want to go? San and I will carry you until you get your strength back." Wooyoung promised and picked me up. I leaned my dizzy head onto his chest.

"Away from him.." I spoke quietly, not wanting to offend him but doing so anyway. He huffed and flopped onto his bed.

"I didn't start this, Seonghwa. Stop acting so childish and grow up. If you really wanted to have sex with me, why would you scare me away? That's it, no. Take me away, Woo." I exclaimed and held my head. Wooyoung kissed my hair again and carried me out.

"That was low, man." I heard Hongjoong say before Seonghwa pushed them all out. I cried quietly to myself until I fell asleep quickly in his arms.

I felt myself be lowered onto a bed and blankets pulled over me. Two bodies climbed onto the bed beside me and held me close.

An hour later, I awoke to an empty bed. I shook my head, thinking it was a dream. I soon regretted it as pain washed over my form. I stood up shakily and walked out of San's bedroom.

I walked into the kitchen, only to find San slaving away over the stove. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat at the table to watch him.

He turned around to grab an ingredient and noticed me. His eyes shone with surprise.

"Yeosang, what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting!" San exclaimed as he walked closer. He pecked my lips sweetly then grabbed his ingredient.

"I woke up alone and missed you and Wooyoung." I pouted and laid my head on the table. San smiled and called for Wooyoung, who walked in immediately.

   "Did you have a nice nap?" Wooyoung cooed and sat down beside me. I laid my upper body on his lap and cuddled into his stomach.

   "Yes, but I didn't like waking up alone." I pouted. Wooyoung played with my hair lovingly. I smiled and leaned into his touch.

   "We're sorry, baby. We both had things to do." San spoke from the stove.

   "Did you beat up Seonghwa?" I asked slowly. The hung their heads shamefully.

   "In our defense, he tried to force himself on you!" Wooyoung exclaimed and pecked my forehead.

   "You both really like kisses, huh?" I giggled. Wooyoung cooed at me and squished my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and pouted.

   "Don't touch my face fat." I rolled so my face was away from Wooyoung.

   "You aren't fat, Yeosangie, you're underweight by like twenty pounds. I know you may not feel up to it, but lunch is ready. Are you going to try eating some?" San asked as he turned off the stove caps. He plated the food and called for the other members.

   "I'll try a couple bites, but don't expect too much. My stomach isn't used to so much normal food." I muttered and watched as San dragged a trash can beside my chair.

   The members slowly filed in, including Seonghwa. I looked down at the table and played with Wooyoung's left hand.

   "Seonghwa, I'm sorry I made you jealous. I didn't mean to..." I apologized as I gently squeezed San's hand with my left hand. I heard the clatter of forks against plates halt completely as they watched the scene in wonder.

   "No, it's my fault, Yeosang. I know you shouldn't believe me, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to force you." Seonghwa apologized. He sighed and continued to eat.

   I tapped San, signaling that I was ready to try eating again. He grabbed a couple noodles on his fork and blew the steam away so they wouldn't burn me.

   I slowly ate it and exhaled once I knew it would stay down. I smiled widely at San and Wooyoung, who each kissed me on the cheek closest to them.

   San returned to eating his lunch. A few minutes later, I tapped Wooyoung, who happily fed me a bite too. A wave of nausea crashed over me, so I quickly grabbed the bottle of tums on the table and ate two.

  "I did it!" I exclaimed happily, my eyes watering.

   "I ate twice today, guys! Like, actual human food! Not just crackers!" I yelled happily. San and Wooyoung hugged me tightly between themselves.

  "We knew you could do it, Yeosangie!" Jongho smiled. I smiled back at him proudly.

   Later that night, I had two bites of dinner too. All of us were excited I could keep it down. Well, until the next morning.

  "Stay out!" I exclaimed as I vomited into the toilet. San and Wooyoung stood at the door worriedly.

  "It's just because I ate so much yesterday. I'll be okay." I stated as I vomited for the third time. Once I was sure my stomach was empty, I leaned away from the toiled and flushed it.

   "Come back to bed; we can cuddle all day." Wooyoung smiled reassuringly. I quickly brushed my teeth and followed them back to bed.

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