Wait that was real?

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Nathalie walked into work after a weeks absence. Hawkmoth had come to visit multiple times when she was ill, but she had chalked it up to hallucinations.

"Good morning, sir." She walked up beside him flicking through her tablet.

"Good morning Nath. How are you feeling?" He responded. A slight flush spreading across his cheeks, a lot had happened during those visits as Hawkmoth.

She blushed had he just called her Nath? It sent shivers down her spine, it had so much more warmth than usual too.

"Nath? Are you alright your staring into space. ." His hand rested on her arm giving her a light shake.

She squeaked in surprise, "I-i. . .I'm sorry sir. I'll be more attentive. . ."

"Are you sure you don't need more time to rest? You came back rather early."

"I'm fine Mr Agreste. Would you like me to go over your schedule?"

"That'd be nice, thank you." He smiled genuinely.

"Hmm. . First you have a video conference with Mr. Couture at 10:30, then you have a meeting with some fabric suppliers scheduled at 12:00 just as you wished, after that I don't see anything else that I couldn't take care of." Her voice has become hoarser with each word she spoke.

"Thank you Nath," he got back to sketching on his tablet. Once she had left he actually checked on her schedule. "Oh my god. ." He muttered looking at the work load. She must of had several emails, quite a few video calls, and then after all that she had to deal with Audrey Bourgeois. He stood up going to go look for her, normally she was in the kitchen making me and herself more coffee. "Nathalie?" He slightly knocked on the door with his knuckles.

"Yes sir?" She turned around with two mugs in her hand.

"Would you like a raise?"

She almost dropped her coffee, and started coughing in shock.

He rushed to her side supporting her until it passed.

"wh-why would I get a raise. .? I'm just doing the same as usual. . and I had just been ill not working for a week, I cant accept one."

"Nath can't I do something? You do so much more than I ask of you."

"Im sorry sir, but I'm just happy being your assistant. "Also heres your coffee," she poured him a cup and handed it to him.

"Oh thank you," he took a sip of the piping hot brew. He knew he couldn't not do something for her. . Maybe Hawkmoth could prepare something. "I'll be in my office make sure that nobody disturbs me." He left the room.

"Of course, Mr Agreste."

Once he was safely secluded in his room, he went down the long elevator. "Nooroo dark wings rise. . ." He transformed the lilac lights consuming him, the power rushing through his body. He had some food in the basement, that he snacked on maybe he could make a picnic in her living room. He jumped out the window and started heading for her apartment. Hawkmoth had spent so much time there that he had memorized the shortcuts over certain buildings. He finally had reached her apartment and jiggled open the balcony door. Luckily she had nothing to worry about with him protecting her, but she should really get an alarm system. . . He grabbed a picnic blanket from her linen closet, and laid it out on the living room floor.

"I have a feeling she'd enjoy coffee more than wine but I'll make both. . ."

He poured wine into two large glasses. He had taken candles from his lair and spread them around. Pillows had been spread out across the floor. and he even found some of Ms. Dupain Chengs macaroons in her pantry.

"It should be late enough, the suns setting that'll be a perfect atmosphere." He dialed her phone number.


"Yes,Mr Agreste is there a problem?"

"You can go home for the day, and no buts. I'm not going to make you work late after you've been sick with the flu." He hung up before she could protest.

Now its just the waiting game. . . A couple minutes bled into what felt hours, in reality it was only 20 minutes until she arrived but he was excited.

He heard the keys jiggling in the door, and he fixed his posture.

Nathalie hummed, her hair was cascading down her back in waves.

"Hello mon cherie~" Hawkmoth swooned standing up.

She shrieked and fell onto her back in surprise, she fumbled around her purse to grab pepper spray but grabbed cherry binaca instead. "I know how to use this now leave!"

"Nathalie I hate to break it to you but thats not pepper spray. . ."

"Oh. . but I still know how to use it! Wait. . what did you do with my living room?"

"I thought you deserved it after being sick and all."

"Wait how would you know that?" Her face flushed putting the cherry binaca down.

"I've been taking care of you almost every day." He had a blank expression on his face.

She started turning scarlet, remembering all the stuff she had asked from him. "Y-y-you mean you we. . you were actually there?!"

"Yes? What did you think I was a figment of your imagination?"

She nodded hiding her face in her hands.

"Aw come on Nath I was just helping you get better.." He reached a hand out for her to grab so he could help her up.

"Hhmph. . " She accepted the offer letting him help her get up. Nathalie realized how tall he was even when wearing a pair of high heels. "What the hell are you wearing that makes you so tall?" She looked up at him with puzzled look gracing her facial features.

"Im wearing nothing I'm just tall."

"Oh come on, you have to be wearing lifts there is no way your 8ft."

(small note: I saw in one episode that when he became Hawkmoth he magically became taller and with him already being a flipping giant he's probably around 8ft maybe? ;w; )

"Uh. . .I'm pretty sure Im not wearing lifts." He took off one of his shoes and showing her.

"How. . what kind of stuff do you take? I would really appreciate it, my boss is substantially taller than me and I could really use the help."

"Im just tall?" He sat down on the picnic blanket, patting the spot beside him for her to sit down.

She did as asked of her and sat down beside him.

"So. . you were actually taking care of me that whole time?"

He started telling her that he did in fact take care of her, and that she was not hallucinating. She took the distraction and swapped their glasses of wine, better safe then sorry.

"thanks . . for taking care of me. ." She spoke quietly, fiddling with a stray piece of hair.

"No problem my Nathalie." He took a sip of his wine. "Also don't think I didn't see that switch of the wine glasses earlier." Hawkmoth smirked.

"Well you're a known terrorist, I have every right to be suspicious."

"True." He wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer.

She blushed and backed away a bit. "I--I ..um.. want to look at the view from the ba-balcony?

"That'd be nice." He got up with her, his hand still lingering on her waist.

Both adults walked out onto her balcony looking out at the view. The Eiffel towered shimmered in the distance.

"You know. . no matter how many times I look at it.. it still doesn't compare to your beauty.."


"Here, how about I take you there." He gripped her waist tighter securing her to his side.

"What are you doing!?" She asked frantically as he jumped off the railing.

"Bring you there what else? ♥️"

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