Nathalies Loaned Miraculous

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When she awoke Hawkmoth was gone, and only the smell of his cologne was left. She sighed hugging the pillow feeling insanely tired and fatigued.

"Is it to late to go to the coffee shop and mark my territory..?" Glancing at the time she scowled, "I'm already late for work.. He did make me take the day off yesterday.. he couldn't mind it to much. If not I'll send a certain butterfly to the mansion." Nathalie smiled to herself feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks.

Wait.. oh no.. She pulled out a mirror looking at her blush I either have a fever or.. I like him! Oh no no no no no! This is horrible- no its not theres only 5 million ways this could back fire. But he's masculine caring and compassionate.. Oh no my favorite guy in a while is a villain! She cried dramatically into the pillow.

"Why does everything have to happen to me.." She finally spoke out loud her voice being muffled by the pillow. Slumping out of her comfortable spot, she got up going through her coffee supplies. "I need to head to the store soon.." Coffee, red bull, monster, 5 hour energy and caffeine powder her new ingredient. "A dangerous amount.. but its needed." Nathalie downed it before getting into the shower.

Feeling her body truly come alive as the warm water ran down her. The steam filling up her lungs making it easier to breath. "Why must I never have time to do this in the mornings more often.. Oh yes a demanding boss." She groaned stepping out onto the cold tile tracing her hand along her plants. Nobody can help it sometimes no she might not have a green thumb but nobody can resist at the price she got them for, especially when its free. Plus you need all the oxygen in the house you can get, especially when you can barely breathe after a coughing fit.

The elegant marble of her counter tops and decadent metals giving her a calm feeling. She also kept random little items in her apartment, like this little succulent that kinda looked like a person for some reason.. Or this small drawing Gabriel drew but threw away.. It looked a little like herself and she kept it. The person in the sketch adorned an elegant dress with a long slit going up to the thigh. Though it was a tad racy for her, she'd love to be dancing in a large ball room with her dear Hawky.

"I wonder what he'd look like without the mask.. Blond devil make hair and his .. his.. what would he wear? He seems like he has money.. He said he had survival jobs so he's not a lawyer, so no hot business clothes. Something in the creative field.. maybe an eccentric artist or poet who just couldn't fit in. I think he'd be a sweater man.. or .. A cabana shirt that isn't buttoned for a beachy occasion oh lord.." She bit her lip as she continued getting ready for work. Her hair was still way to soft to be put in a bun after she washed it, and it remained down around her shoulders in waves. As she got into her car slowly suffering in traffic, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. "Why won't these idiots move!" She leaned on the steering wheel groaning. Nathalie was probably the most patient person in the world but when it came to traffic.. Thats a different story. She was dialing the phone 5 minutes after realizing she was an hour late for work. Gabriel immediately picked up, had he been waiting by the phone?

"Where are you are you okay?" His voice was worried.

"Yes, of course sir. I was just going to inform you I'm going to be late.. The traffic is horrible I think theres an accident up ahead by the looks of it."

"Oh, yes of course take your time de- Nathalie." That was his second time slipping up and she noticed that one.

"Sir.. What did you say before my name..?"

"Nothing I was reading something whilst talking to you, I must of read one of the words out loud."

"Fine, sir. I'll be there as soon as I can." She hung up shortly after, leaning back in her seat the soft leather luring her to sleep some more.. But she couldn't she was on the road, all she could do is sip the coffee from her travel mug to wear off any thoughts. And an hour later she'd barely moved and that patience can only last so long. Time to pull out my secret weapon she thought.. He said he'd be there if I needed him.. She thought of Hawkmoth and Hawkmoth only. 10 minutes later she was giving up hope until the purple visor materialized around her eyes.

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