It was a long night. . .

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Nathalie clung on to Hawkmoth for dear life, it wasn't everyday she flew over Paris buildings.

"Don't worry I won't drop you. ." He whispered softly in her ear. Hawkmoth soon landed on a flat ledge.

"Let me down." She boldly stated, not letting the fear of him change her decisions this time.

"Of course mon cherie." He purred.

"And what do you have in mind now? Throwing me off here to my death like a villain would do?" She teased him.

"None of that dear, just thought you might enjoy the view."

She sighed sitting down, letting her feet dangle off the edge without a care in the world. "I can't believe I wasn't just imagining you taking care of me. ."

"Well I did," he smiled getting down beside her.

"Why'd you take care of me? . . Its not as if I know you, though you act as if we've known each other for years. . ." She looked down at the oblivious people below her.

"I know you better than you think-"

"Mom-" Chat Noir cut himself off before he gave away to much. "Hawkmoth what are you doing to her!?"

"Of course you slimy teenagers have to ruin this don't you?!" Gabriel stood up signaling for Nathalie to get behind him.

She glanced between him and the two heroes, and decided to do as asked of her.

Hawkmoth parried a hit from Chat Noirs baton. When he had noticed Ladybug heading for Nathalie he scooped her up over the shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing!! Im wearing a skirt you idiot!" Nathalie snapped violently at him.

Chat Noir watched in surprise, Nathalie was actually arguing just because she had a skirt on? Meanwhile Ladybug kept trying to trip them up with her yoyo.

Hawkmoth snickered, sending Nathalie a devilish smile that made her blush.

"Let her go!!" Chat Noir was rarely this violent, baring his cataclysm almost immediately.

Nathalie sighed, "can you please let me down? Your at the moment holding me in a very embarrassing position. ."

He huffed setting her down at her request.

"Bye, and please don't break into my apartment without asking again." For once her tone of voice was warm and pleasant. She waved as he jumped away.

Both heroes looked stunned.

"U-uh.. Miss you know him?" Ladybug asked.

"No, I know him as well as any Parisian he's a villain."

"Yes but why were you with him before?"

"I went home and he was in my apartment, what else would I do, say no to his request so he can pummel me?" She crossed her arms a light shiver going through her.

"I'll take her home Ladybug," Chat Noir picked her up.

Ladybug nodded and swung off.

When Nathalie and Chat Noir had arrived at her apartment, he gawked at the display of pillows candles, and the two wine glasses.

"Sure he just showed up at your apartment." He dryly said.

"Well he's been apparently taking care of me when I was sick. . I thought I was just hallucinating so um ya. ." Her face noticeably flushed as she cleaned her living room. "Would you like some wine? I'm not sure if your old enough but a sip cant hurt you." She started putting her hair back into its usual immaculate bun, when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

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