First Date

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Nathalie went around cleaning her apartment. Every little thing had to be perfect! No seriously perfect

She glanced around her apartment, everything was spotless. But something was off.. it was to clean.. like she put to much effort in.. she doesn't want to look desperate, but she doesn't want to look sloppy. Maybe just a blanket slung slightly askew? Plus a couple more pillows .. She wasn't proud of it .. but she really did love pillows. Not an obsession but she did have a couple more than she needed. Nathalie retrieved a fluffy purple heart shaped pillow from her closet. Then grabbed a small silver one, and a blue one for good measure. She rummaged through her probably all expired medicine cabinet. "Hopefully this will hold off whatever I have until tomorrow." The cherry red liquid swirled in the medicine cup, she couldn't swallow pills but she hated the taste of liquid medicine.. It was always so artificial ... But she did like cough drops I guess that was the only exception. Downing the medicine she almost choked on it, the flavor was positively bitter, possibly worse than grape.  

"I should probably see a doctor one of these days.. but who has time for it.. I mean it'd be different If I had some time.. or no. Maybe I should make a pot of tea too.. he seems to enjoy it," rummaging through her cabinets she only found chamomile. "I guess thill will have to do.. Gabriel enjoys it maybe he will to?" Glancing at the clock she decided to get ready. It was a movie date she couldn't be to fancy.. Casual comfy clothes, or pajamas but they'd have to be fancy pajamas..  She looked through her closet. A pair of black silk pants caught her eye. "These will do.. now the shirt purple would really be the best.. but maybe the red can be just as good?" Blushing a bit as she looked at some lingerie .. "Nothing slutty.. but if I wear this one it makes me seem desperate-" Jumping out of her skin as she heard her window opening, she rushed picking something normal. 

"Hi Hawky." She pulled down the sleeve of her silken shirt effectively hiding her scars and bruises. 

"Hello darling." He kneeled down kissing her hand, making her avert her vision blush clearly showing on her face. "Look at that your blushing aren't you just a cutie~" He purred. 

"hmmph show off-" Nathalie had been lifted off her feet being carried in his arms. "See this is exactly what I mean when I say show off." 

He walked around, plopping her down into the sofa. "I'll change into something more comfortable." He snapped his fingers one or twice, and his once tailored suit changed into a pair of pajamas.  Its nice when you can change your transformation with a few snaps. His mask had also changed into one that only covered his eyes. "Alright thats much better isn't it?"

She only nodded, her eyes staying glued to the small part of his chest, that broke free of the buttons, that possibly were purposely unclasped. 

Hawkmoth sat down next to her, running his fingers through her raven colored locks. "Do you like your new hair cut?" 

"Mm..very much even my boss commented on it. You must of done some really great work if my boss had even noticed it."

"Well he has some nice taste then." 

Nathalie fiddled with a stray piece of hair, as she pondered what to say next. "I made some tea would you like some?" 

"That'd be nice," he whispered into her ear, feeling her shiver under his touch. 

A small whimper came from her, so intoxicatingly sweet, it indicated he still had the charm he used on Emilie. A shaky breath added the perfect after taste, before she left for the kitchen.

He got comfortable leaning back into her couch. 

Her smile lit up the room when she came back from the kitchen. "I um hope you like chamomile..Its um all I had." She sat next to giving him his tea, while setting her own on the coffee table. 

She set up the movie on tv, fumbling with her tv remote nervously. 

"What movie are we watching?" 

"I-i don't know.. I've never really done this before. My friend Penny said the Phantom of the Opera was good." 


It finally worked for her and the movie clicked on. 

She looked nervous about what to do next. They're not going to sit next to each other with perfect posture or- Her thoughts were interrupted by Hawkmoth.

"Are you okay? You look uncomfortable.." I guess he had noticed her squirming. 

"I've never really done this.. I guess I don't know what to do." Her laugh seemed strained, lacking its normal sing song quality. 

"Here." He positioned himself laying down, and then gestured for her to come closer. 

Nathalies face could've passed off as a cherry, because she was bright red. Hesitating a little bit before climbing on top of him, she laid down, her face on his chest.

Her heart was practically thumping out of her chest. He must of noticed that by now..

His cologne had apparently changed since her last encounter, spicy notes with aromatic quality, with her experience in the fashion industry probably Sauvage by Christian Dior? Defiantly an expensive brand, unless he steals everything he owns,  or he could be very successful.. 

About an hour in, she could already feel herself getting tired, and cursed herself for it. Over the entire week she could barely get an hours rest, despite his and her bosses constant attempts to help.

"Nathalie?" He gave her a kiss not realizing she was nodding off. 

"w-what huh? I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep..wake me up if it happens again." 

"No no, its okay I don't mind. Try and get some sleep dear." He gave her another small kiss before resuming watching the movie. They both knew she couldn't stay awake for much longer but he was okay with that. All Hawkmoth wanted was for her to get better, which was getting harder and harder as of late. Seeing her head lull to the side he covered her and himself in a blanket. "Night Nathalie." He whispered before turning off the movie. 

𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚘𝚗 UwU

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