Sweet Reunions

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She ended up not coming to work for a whole week.. Gabriel or Hawkmoth visited her everyday to make sure she wasn't have any trouble, there were some embarrassing moments for both of them like helping her change... That was the day Hawkmoth realized she should wear skirts her legs were gorgeous.

Gabriel had heard the jiggling of the door lock and jumped up to see if it was her. He found the small woman disheveled and her clothes more comfortable. To be exact she was wearing a white cashmere sweater and jeans. In other words she was gorgeous.

She had lightly coughed catching his attention again.

He wordlessly helped her inside, "are you okay?" A nod was all he got as answer. "You don't look okay Nathalie.."

In reality she wasn't she was going to collapse on her knees any minute, but compared to how she was feeling before she felt much better.


She faced away from him trying to get past him.


"Please sir it's been a week.."

"That doesn't mean anything if you aren't feeling better.. I'll be taking you home."

"Sir this is absurd I-" She tried desperately to stifle a fit of coughing but it ended up just making it worse.

Gabriel scooped her off her feet since her once steady posture seems to waver.

Nathalies looked up at him then to the blonde boy gawking on top of the stair case for more reasons than one.

"Nathalie your back!" Adrien rushed down the stair case as she warned him not to trip or fall.

The older Agreste felt Nathalie squirm to get out of his grip quite feverishly. He let her down in the end so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"oh Adrien.." She smiled still holding him against her, as Adrien had his arms wrapped around her as if she'd disappear if he dare let go.

"I missed you.." His words seemed more to be a plea to not leave him.

Gabriel watched this in shock, he never knew Adrien was so attached to her.

"I missed you to Adrien.."

Now as he watched this he realized from his miraculous maybe work wasn't the true reason of her coming back.

"You have to go to school now Adrien.. I'll talk with you more when you get back okay..?" She watched his face change to a pout.

"Do I have to.."

"Yes, Adrien. Now go grab your stuff okay?" She ruffled his hair a bit getting a big hug and kiss in return which made her heart flutter again. Seeing the way she was acting and the fact her boss stood there still made her freeze up once he was gone. "Im.. sorry sir I shouldn't have misstepped my boundaries just now.."

"No!-" He stopped clearing his voice, "I'm sorry for that outburst but please don't apologize.. I thought it was rather nice that Adrien likes you so much.. but getting back to you resting.. you can stay on the couch in my office, until the meeting I have in 5 minutes, is over. Then I'm taking you home."

She lowered her head in agreement following him into the office, ignoring one little detail sit on the couch instead of at your desk.

Gabriel stood there before excusing himself temporarily from the call. "Nathalie." He said as he picked her up from her office chair.

Nathalie stared at him blankly as he draped a blanket over her. After he resumed his call she stayed put listening to rain it was calming .. Duusu squirmed in her pocket catching her attention. "What is it..?" She whispered.

"I'm hungryyyyyyy" Duusu whined, "I want babka- Oo and that brown stuff you always drink-."

Nathalie squinted at her, "you mean coffee..?"

Duusu nodded.

Nathalie got up before feeling Gabriel pulling her back to the couch.

"Nathalie please you're normally never this stubborn.."

"I just wanted a cup of coffee.. I didn't have any this morning.."

"You can have mine alright?" He handed her his cup then getting back to his call.

Nathalie wasn't planning on drinking it for herself, but now knowing it was his she took a sip before allowing Duusu to have some.

After Duusu had her fill she sunk down, maybe Gabriel was right she started feeling horrible.. Her face had been blushed and the hair lay messily in front of her face. She started wondering why she felt like this. Gabriel had already taken her to quite a few doctors already who couldn't find anything that would be causing any of her symptoms.

She got up retrieving her purse taking out her tablet, only to see Gabriel looking at her.

"I just wanted to occupy myself sir.." She watched him dip his head in agreement. Eventually after getting back under the blanket, looking at the tablet she realized  she didn't have any books  downloaded she wanted to read.  "...." Turning on Hulu she found a documentary to watch something educational of course.

Duusu watched as Nathalie struggled to stay awake.

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