Nathalies first Sickday

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Nathalies groaned feeling her head pounding every time she moved a few inches.. nothing seemed to be going right... migraines,fevers, a throat that felt like sandpaper rubbed it raw, and she felt cold despite sweat kept pouring off of her.. she looked to the clock seeing she'd be late for work any minute. Reaching for her phone felt like trekking to the top of mt Everest. Not to mention she had a emotional kwami that wouldn't shut up no matter how many times she asked of it.

"Misssss Nathalieeeeeee callll Gabriel to takeee care of youuuuuuuuuuuuu" Duusu's continued whining cry picked away at Nathalies patience.

She curled up forgetting about it, "Duusu.. I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself with or without Mr. Agreste or Hawkmoth."


Nathalie heard the beep on phone and groaned sitting up in bed grabbing her glasses. "God..." She held her head for a moment before unlocking her phone seeing a message from Adrien. He texted her often he seemed to really enjoy her company, and she couldn't help but enjoy talking with the small sunflower.


Adrien: Nathalie..? Where were you today I normally get to say goodbye to you before I have to go to school..

I'm sorry for not informing you, or your father. But I'll be out sick for a little,
I'll be back soon Adrien no worries :Nathalie

Adrien: Get well soon Nath 😸💗💗💗

Thank you, Adrien. :Nathalie

Gabriel was a wreck, and was already out the door  heading to her apartment completely forgetting he could of used Hawkmoth. And within 20 minutes a knock on her door was placed.

Nathalie groaned pulling the covers up further, making herself get up coughing as she lugged herself over to the door.

"who is it...?" Nathalies voice was barely heard on the other side of her apartment door.

"Nathalie it's me Gabriel, are you alright did something happen your not at work like usual.."

She opened the door slowly still clutching against the wall for support."I'm..sorry I'm much to unwell to barely get out of bed this morning.." She coughed into her hand turning away from him, knowing he had a thing about germs, before feeling an arm wrap around her waist and one rubbing her back.

"Please you don't have to apologize    .. I completely understand." He spoke with a gentle tone as her coughing fit subsided.

"B-but sir-!" Her attempt at speaking only aggravated her coughing more as she felt her legs give out from under her.

He had been quick on his reflexes as he immediately held her against his chest.

"Nathalie.. please just rest your voice.."

She simply nodded out of obedience he was her boss after all.

He picked her up walking to her bedroom obviously knowing where it is.

Nathalies eyes were on him as if he did something. "how do you know the way around my apartment..." She kept her voice no higher than a whisper, as she had already been asked once to rest it.

". . . I just assumed this was your bedroom."

She squinted at him because her glasses were somewhere that she didn't have the effort to search for.

Gabriel gently placed her down in bed watching her curl up in a ball.

"Anything I can get you..?"

A small shake of the head was her response..

"I'll be right back.. I'm going to make you some tea okay.?"

She nodded as he left the room.

He grabbed the bags of tea pushing past all her coffee packages. "My god the amount of coffee this woman consumes..."

Nooroo sat down beside Duusu on the counter looking like a bright purple grape with blush.
Duusu smirked her tail fanning up in a lovely display. "Your so romantic Nooroo~"
The purple butterfly squeaked with his wings fluttering.

Gabriel looked at the two love bird kwamis, "you two are really.. hitting it off." He sat down on a bar stool waiting for the kettle to boil.

Nathalie rolled over, feeling the blankets weigh down on her. "mmph.." She groaned pulling herself out from underneath everything. She was burning up underneath all the blankets, yet she was freezing and shivering without them. What kind of hell on earth was this?!

This wasn't worth it hopefully she could just get up nicely, take a shower and then get back into bed unharmed without feeling so clammy.

Pulling herself up was already a pain, how the hell was she supposed to lug herself across the room?

Gabriel still stuck waiting decided he could check in on Nathalie, it's not as if you can over boil tea by that much. "Natha-," he stopped rushing over to her, after seeing her clung to the edge of the bed, with shakier legs than a baby deer.

She coughed a few times before starting to speak, "can you just help me over there.."

He'd never seen Nathalie been so dependent on him, I mean there were some moments with Hawkmoth but.. his poor darling seemed as if the wind could knock her over now.

Her prolonged silence didn't last as her hacking cough crept up on her.

Gabriel had pulled her to his chest holding her, before going bright red with blush, normally a mask hid it but now nothing was stopping it from showing.

She was adorable, and for the first time ever her neck was exposed I mean serious eye candy-.
A gorgeous black pajama set, with stitching that could only be done by himself.. taking his free hand he pulled on the back of the shirt seeing the tag read Agreste Brand.

His hands wrapped around back, and underneath her thigh picking her up in a bridal carry.
Her whimpers as her hair cascaded down her back, she sniffled weakly holding onto him.
Gently placing her back in bed he kneeled by the bedside.
"Nathalie.. please just lay down.. I don't want you to fall.. you can just ask me if you need help moving somewhere.."

A small nod was his answer, "if you don't mind me asking.. what are your symptoms so I can understand what I can do to help.."

She looked at him with tired eyes.. "I have a soar throat.. and I've been coughing..." She croaked her voice barely ringing clear. "A fever.. and chills.. with a splitting migraine..."

Gabriel's expression softened holding her. "Any medications you normally take for this..?"

"im good just being right here.. even if it isn't very professional.." Nathalies head rested on his chest.

Though it was not her best intentions to be seen with vapor rub on her chest, bags under her eyes, a tissue box by her side, and a nose as red as rudolf.

A light press of his hand tracing down the fabric of her pajamas. It was mesmerizing and a wake up call she was severely touch starved-.

A tickle in her throat threatened to break the silence between them, it was unbearable she coughed as quietly as she possibly could into his stiff blazer. The light feeling of his hand rubbing her back.

"Ugh..." She groaned laying back down feeling exhausted. "I.. might just take a nap sir.."

"Please call me Gabriel.. it's not as if we're in the office right now." He smiled smoothing the blankets down in bed pulling the blankets up to her neck. "Get some rest Nathalie.."

She was stunned and touched was she really being tucked into bed by her boss? It was sending her heart a flutter everything felt familiar as if he had done this before.

Maybe he had done this before? ♥️

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