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"Is the temperature OK baby girl?" he called as I slid down in the hot bubbly water "mmmhhhmm" I hummed enjoying the warmth of the water on my aching muscles. "what a day" I said to myself, Thinking about my day at work. Today had been even more trying than normal due to having to train 4 newbies on my own all because nikki had decided today was a good day to call in sick, I knew she wasn't sick she just hated training the new staff as much as me. "here you go" he said while handing me a beer. I was so deep in thought I hadn't heard Jerry climb the stairs. "relax baby, it's the weekend now. I have you all to myself" he smiled and I saw that twinkle in his eyes I'd fallen in love with from the very 1st day I'd laid eyes on him. "I'm gonna treat you like the queen you are, your not gonna lift a finger. I love you so much Amethyst, your my whole world"
I was jolted awake by Jerry swearing and bashing around downstairs. Dread filled me as I was brought back to reality, what I'd give to go back to the day I'd just been dreaming about. I was too scared to get out of bed. So I just laid there listening till it went quite and I heard the front door shut and his car start. Then I breathed a sigh of relief. Life was so unlike it had been 17 months ago. I was a shell of a women I used to be. As I sat up a deep sharp pain shot up my back, my latest throphy from Jerry a very sore and bruised back, he'd pushed me and I fell backwards on to the coffee table. I can't remember what I did wrong if I even did anything wrong at all. Tears threatened to fall so I get up, Slowly and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

Now I was dressed and had cried till my tears ran dry I had to make sure the house was clean and everything was ready for when Jerry got home. As I walked in to the living room with my coffee I saw the after math of the noise from this morning.
Jerry had been in the paperwork cupboard in our unit, and there was paperwork all over the floor and a broken photo frame of me and Jerry laughing, I'd hidden it in the cupboard as it was just too painful to keep looking at, At happier times, when he loved me. I'd slowly started hiding the photos of us round the house. It had a smudge of blood over the remaining pieces of glass in the frame. I felt a twinge in my chest had he cut himself, was he OK. And then i had to remind myself that I didn't care. He wasnt my Jerry anymore he was no longer the man I had fallen in love with, so no I didn't care. As I went about clearing all the paper away I came across my leaving card from work. And again tears filled my eyes, I'd loved my job. Loved the people I worked with. But Jerry made me quit. I angrily wipe the tears away. I wasn't going to cry anymore today. I'd finally done with all the paper and glass. It was Wednesday which meant I had to go food shopping. Jerry always left just enough to get our usual food shop and never a penny more. It didn't matter if I needed anything he would do that so I would have to ask him for money. He loved the fact I didn't have a penny to my name, so I would as he put it 'always need him'

While I was packing away the last of the shopping my phone rang, I couldn't answer it so had to leave it to ring. Once I was outside I checked the missed call, Shit it was Jerry. I got a nervous feeling in my stomach. Quckily I rang him back, as I listened to the rings I started to sweat. I knew he was going to be so mad. "hey baby girl, everything OK? You didn't answer when I called?" WTF he was being nice and sounded like my Jerry again, a tear slid down my cheek. "H.. Hi yeah I'm fine, I was just packing shopping" i whispered still in shock. "I was hoping you would be still out shopping. I've got lunch free and wanted to take you out for lunch" he sang down the phone "but I've got all the shopping with me" I couldn't believe my ears. We hadn't been out to lunch for what felt like forever, and he hadn't spoken to me so nicely in the same amount of time I couldn't help it tears were streaming down my face and I didn't care, he was back my Jerry was coming back. "that's alright, by time you get here I will be done and we can quickly take it home and then go to lunch, how does that sound?" I sniffed and wiped my eyes "I... I.. Would love that Jerry" I said smiling. "good, see you soon baby. And Amethyst?" oh no my heart sank what was it he was going to say. "yes Jerry" I said calmly not wanting to ruin this. "I love you" and with that he hung up. I was too shocked to move, too shocked to breath for a moment.
After a few minutes I was able to move. I picked up the shopping bags not caring that they were heavy and walked the 20 mins it took to reach the car dealership Jerry worked at.
I hurried to his office nervous but just as excited. As I got to the door I could hear talking, I could make out Jerry but there was also a female voice, my heart quickened in my chest and my hands were sweating making my grip on the shopping bags loosen. I took a deep breath and tried to see reason she was probably just a colleague and then I heard Jerry say "no, I can't see you anymore. It's over!" I stumbled backwards and into a desk and with that dropped the bags the pain in my back had nearly dropped me to my knees. He was cheating on me, Jerry was cheating on me. I couldn't breath, I needed to get out of here.
As I was about to bend down and pick up the bags a man was just reaching me and had a concerned look on his face. "you OK, do you need me to help you pick up your bags" he paused for a second then continued "you seem to be in pain, and as beautiful as you are you don't look so good" his deep voice washed over me like smooth silk. "n.. No no I'm OK. I can manage. Thank you" I wishpered and with that Jerry's office door opened and that little skank walks out all legs and blonde hair. I felt sick, I just wanted to go home. Jerry's eyes locked with mine and then to my shoulder where the man had his hand I hadn't realised till now and I pulled away and picked the bags up and walked to Jerry, as he moved to the side I walked into his office and put the bags down.

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