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I waited for Mason to pop the locks on his Navigator. He was closing the door to my house and looked over his shoulder at me. He seemed...perplexed, like he wasn’t sure about me or what he wanted to do next.

“Hey weirdo, you coming,” I asked, placing my hands on my hips and tapping my foot with mock impatience.  He gave me that famous smirk of his and ran to open my door.

“Here you go.”  Mason grabbed my hand and helped me up into the SUV. This was new. Usually he just popped the locks and I hopped in.  Once he sat in his seat, I reached over, placing my hand on his forehead.  “What are you doing?”  Mason playfully slapped my hand away.

“Aren't we the gentleman today?”

Mason scoffed and pretended to be hurt. “I'm a gentleman every day.”  He pulled away from the curb and headed to the mall. I sat in my seat singing along with the radio. I could see Mason glancing at me every few minutes.

I let down the visor and looked in the mirror.  “Is there something on my face?”


“You keep looking my way.  Is there something on my face?”  I screwed my face up and stuck my tongue out. He laughed and stuck his tongue back out at me.  After that, he seemed to finally relax and I felt like things were normal.  “So, what are you thinking of getting Ma?”

Mason sighed, “I'm not sure. She loves figurines, so maybe that. I'd love to send her on a trip, but you know how she is about traveling since my Dad died.”

Mason's dad, Michael, had passed away almost two years ago. His parents used to take impromptu trips all the time. His dad was such a romantic. He used to say, "I want my girl to have it all," and he'd go about doing something else for Lisa, Mason's mom. Since he passed away, Lisa hasn't taken a single trip. I know she has places she wants to see, but when I asked her about a trip last year, her eyes welled with tears and she just patted my hand.

He continued, “I know she misses Dad and the trip wouldn't be the same, but I don't want her to stop living. I feel like she's missing out.”

“LIGHT BULB MOMENT,” I yelled, causing Mason to jump.  “Why don't we take her on a trip?”

“Really? You, me, and my mom?”  That wasn’t the reaction I’d expected.  Mason and I had been places before, on our own and with our families.  Why was he being so weird?

“Uh, yes! What's wrong with that?”  Mason didn't immediately respond. He sat in silence and I could see the wheels in his head turning.  “Never mind.  We'll just get her a figurine, take her to a nice dinner, and call it a happy birthday.”

I tried not to show it but it hurt my feelings that Mason hadn't jumped at the idea. I was trying to help him and his mom and it would be great for all of us to get away. I loved his mom like she was my own and I wanted her to be happy. I turned the radio up and looked out the window.

“Un-pout your face, Jassy! It's a good idea. Where are we going?”

I turned to look at him and there was that smirk. His eyes sparkled as he quietly chuckled at me for my small tantrum. I punched his arm and screamed with excitement!

“YES! YES! YES! We're going on a trip! Ma is gonna flip!” I sang, dancing in my seat.

Mason laughed at me.  “You're such a dork! Now, where are we going?”

“I'm thinking we should go on a cruise.”

“That would be great. She's never been and Dad wanted to take her on one.”  Mason pulled into the parking lot of the mall and we went inside. As we walked to a jewelry store that makes crystal figurines, we discussed the details of the trip. We searched online and found a reasonably priced cruise. Well, as reasonable as thousands of dollars can be. We looked around the store and Mason saw a crystal ship ornament with gold trimming.

He picked it up and inspected it.  “I think this will do. We'll take her to her favorite restaurant, give her this, then surprise her with the cruise.”

“That sounds perfect. Dinner will be my treat.”

“Uh, no. I'm paying for dinner.”

I rolled my neck and sucked my teeth, “No, I am. Since you're paying for your ticket and hers, I can at least do the dinner.”

“I'm paying for all three of us.”

My mouth hit the floor! “I'm sure I'm going deaf. Surely you didn't just say you're paying for me?”  Mason walked off to the register to pay for the ornament as if I hadn't said anything.  “Mason, you can't do that!”

“Why not? I have the money, you're my best friend, this is gonna rock my Mom's world in the best way, and I want to. I'm not arguing about this. I'm paying and that's final!”  Mason had a certain look when he'd made his mind up about something and there was no changing it. One eyebrow would raise and his lips would pucker slightly. I'd seen it a few times before when it concerned me and I knew not to argue with him.

“FINE! But I'm definitely paying for dinner!”  Mason just shook his head in resignation and sighed in agreement.

“Does that offer extend to right now, because I'm starving?”

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