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“Anything looking good, Jassy?”

I knew he was talking about the menu, but all I could think about was him. His suit fit him well, accentuating his arms and legs.  The golden yellow shirt popped against his dark skin and he looked so good. Heat pooled in my stomach and I shifted in my seat. Doing that caused me to brush against his leg under the table. Though leg to leg contact wasn't the most earth shattering thing to happen, I couldn't help but be turned on.

“I'm going with the Cajun Shrimp Fettuccine and a lobster tail.  I'm feeling spicy tonight.”  His dark brown eyes became darker at my statement.  I smirked and held his gaze.  “And you?”

“Sun dried tomato and feta stuffed chicken.”

Lisa turned to him and gasped, “Hmm...that sounds good. Son, can I taste yours?”

“Sure Mom, what are you getting?” he asked, giving her his full attention.  As he talked to Lisa, I just sat listening, admiring his features.  Everything about him was standing out to me and I felt like I was gawking.  The waiter returned with our drinks and I was glad to have something to occupy me. Mason sipped his water causing my eyes to focus on him again. The way his throat moved as he swallowed turned me on!

His throat, girl?! His throat is making me hot? I am tripping! I just need to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and reset. Of course when I open my eyes, Mason is looking at me with that smirk.

“So Jasmine, how is work?” Lisa asked me.

“Pretty good. I'm booked for the next few months.”  While I talked to Lisa, Mason relayed everyone's dinner order to the waiter. Once everything was ordered, he joined in the conversation. I relaxed more and savored my drink. Every once in a while, I'd catch Mason looking at my mouth when I drank.  If Lisa noticed the weirdness between us, she didn’t say anything.  I couldn’t help but watch him watching me.

The waiter brought out our food and everything looked great.

“Enjoy mom. Once you’re done, I have something for you,” Mason said.  Lisa smiled so big and touched Mason's cheek.

“Such a good man, like your father.”

Mason dropped his head and reached for his mom's hand. I could see the tears forming and I grabbed her other hand. She sniffled, looked at me and smiled, then dug into her plate. She'd ordered Pecan crusted salmon and risotto. It smelled heavenly. Mason cut her a piece of his chicken.

“Mason, that's really good,” she stated after finishing her sample.  Mason had continued cutting and I snagged a piece of chicken. His eyes immediately went to my mouth as I ate it. I moaned at the taste. He was biting his bottom lip as he watched me.

“That is heavenly,” I said, kissing my fingertips.  His fork skewered one of my shrimp and he chewed it slowly, his lips teasing me.

“Spicy. The way I like it.”

I just shook my head and began eating. We ate and talked for a while. When one waiter cleared the dishes, another appeared with Crème Brûlée. Apparently Mason had made arrangements earlier. The plate for his mom was made like a beach at sunset and the dessert was the sun. The ship figurine sat on the plate in the "water".  Lisa was so excited! Her eyes sparkled and she covered her mouth with her hands.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA! We both love you so much and we're honored to celebrate you and all your awesomeness!” I yelled.

“Thank you baby girl!”  She picked up the ship figurine and admired it.  “This is beautiful, Mason! Thank you. Before your father passed away, he was talking about taking me on a cruise.”

“Well, now that you mention it, take a look at this.”  Mason had pulled out his phone and pulled up the confirmation for the cruise to show Lisa.  “Mom, I know it won't be the same as going with Dad, but I want you to live and have the best life. You deserve that for being the best mom a man could ask for and loving me and Dad through everything. I'm going to help Dad finish his plans and I'm taking you on a 7 day cruise!”

Lisa burst into tears!

I stood up and rubbed her back.  “Oh I know, I know, but don't worry, you won't be by yourself with him. I'm coming too!”

Both of them shook their heads, laughing.

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