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The smile on my mother's face made my heart swell. She was so happy. I would do any and everything in my power to keep her that way.  We were still laughing at Jasmine when we exited the restaurant.

“Ok folks. This is where I hop off. Gotta go meet my girl. And possibly some men,” Jasmine declared.

My mom grabbed Jasmine’s hand and said, “Thank you so much for coming!”

Some men?! I don't want her meeting anyone. I don't want anyone touching her.  I felt myself getting angrier at the possibility of her getting with some random dude.

“It was my pleasure, Ma.”  Jasmine and my mom embraced and it filled my heart with such joy. I loved that they were so close. As they parted, I stepped up to hug Jasmine good-bye. I pulled her close to me and held her tight. I felt her body mold to mine and it took everything in me not to kiss her. Instead I placed a kiss on her cheek, lingering there. Then I whispered in her ear.

“Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.”  As I pulled away from her, I felt her body tremble slightly. She looked at me through her lashes and licked her lips. My dick instantly twitched.

“I make no promises,” she teased.  Her voice was breathy and it was driving me crazy.

“Thanks for coming tonight. You really look beautiful.”  I grabbed my mom's arm and asked if she was ready. She nodded in reply.  Jasmine turned to go in the opposite way of us.  When I asked where her car was and she replied it was down the block and around the corner, I knew I wasn’t letting her walk alone.  “Jassy, walk with us and I'll take you to your car.”

“I'll be fine Mason.”

“You do know I don't care, right?”  Jasmine rolled her eyes and huffed.  She knew her little tantrum meant nothing to me.

“Fine, let's move it then!”  She grabbed my other arm and we began walking back to my Navigator. I felt like a king having my mom and my best friend beside me. My best friend whose clothes I wanted to rip off. My best friend whose lips I wanted to taste and nibble. My best friend.

I dropped Jasmine at her car and waited for her to get in and get it started. I pulled off and honked my horn. Mom and I rode in silence for a few minutes until she spoke.

“Dinner was great. Thank you for today.”

“Anything for you, Mom. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“ gonna tell Jasmine you like her?”  If she’d slapped me with a fish, I couldn’t have been more shocked.  My grip tightened on the steering wheel. I slowly turned to my mother, eyes widened. She just smiled at me.


She kept smiling and said, “Son, don't try to deny it. I'm not blind. I saw the looks between you two.  All the heat between y'all, I thought I'd catch fire!”  She threw her head back and laughed. Yeah, this wasn't embarrassing at all.

“Mom, I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Uh huh, right. Okay, well, you can stay in denial. I'll just say this, I think the world of Jasmine and she'd be a great match for you. Don't be afraid. Living in fear isn't living at all.”



As I drove to the club, all I could think about was Mason's good-bye hug and kiss. It was nothing new, but this time it was different. It was more intimate. This time when he’d leaned in, I wanted his mouth on my lips. I wanted him to slip his tongue past my lips and hear him moan. I wanted his voice in my ear, telling me he could still taste the cranberry from my drink. I wanted him!

I found a parking spot and texted Monica.  Hey girl, just parked.

What direction you coming from? I'm standing by the door.

Coming from Canal. See you in a few.

See you in a bit.

I walked up the street and noticed a guy eyeing me. He was standing in front of the auto shop next to the club.

“Hi. How are you tonight?”

“Good, thanks,” I replied and continued walking.

“I know this might be a little forward, but you look really good in that dress.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

“Hey girl!” Monica squealed as she walked up to me, her arms out for a hug.

“Hey babycakes! Let's get this party started!”  We walked to the entrance and greeted Tony, the bouncer. He smiled and waved us in.  Before I stepped through the door I looked back at the stranger. He just smiled and waved.

When we got inside, the music was bumping and the dance floor was calling my name.

“You want a drink?” Monica yelled over the music.

“Orange Creamsicle.”

She gave me a thumbs up.  “Be right back.”  Monica made her way to the bar through the crowd.  I found us a table on the platform up from the main floor and texted to let her know. She returned with the drinks and sat down.  “GIRL!! You look HOT!! What you tryna catch?!”

“Depends on who and what is thrown!”  We both laughed. She asked about dinner and I told her about that and the trip. I didn't tell her about these changes between me and Mason. I didn't know what it meant, if it meant anything. Tonight I just wanted to forget about it and cut loose.  “Time to hit the floor!”

We got up and made our way to the dance floor. The DJ was playing Up Jumps the Boogie by Timbaland and Magoo. Monica and I danced with each other, rapping the words like we were part of the group. After that, Rock the Boat by Aaliyah played. I was swaying my hips to the beat when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

“Can I dance with you?”  I turned my back to him. Taking his hands, I placed them on my hips and I let my body go.  Monica was standing in front of me. She just danced with a smile on her face. The stranger stepped closer and grinded into me. It wasn't dirty though. I didn't feel uncomfortable. He just held me to him and we moved with each other.

“I'm Lance,” he said in my ear. I nodded my head in acknowledgement. I circled my hips, rubbing against him and just moved with the music. My eyes were closed and I let the beat control my body. We stayed that way until the next song. It was up tempo so I moved away from Lance and turned to him.

“I'm Jasmine. Let's get a drink.”  I let Monica know what I was doing. Lance grabbed my hand and led me to the bar. I ordered another Orange Creamsicle and a shot of tequila. Lance ordered a beer and a shot of whiskey. We took our drinks to an open table and sat down.

“Man!” he shouted as he sat down.

“What?” I asked as I sipped my drink.

“I'm glad my boys made me come out tonight.”

I gave a coy smile, leaning into him, “Oh really? And why is that?”

His lips shifted into this adorable smile and his head dipped down. He sounded so shy.  “I met a sunflower.”

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