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Three Days Later

Do you want me to pick you up? Mason texted.

No, I'll drive. I'm going out with Monica after dinner.

Oh. Ok. See you later.

It was Mason's mom, Lisa's, birthday and we were excited to take her out. I'd made plans to go out after with my friend Monica. She was an awesome baker that I sometimes used for my catering events. I could tell by Mason's reply that he wasn't happy. He always wants to know and have a say in what I'm doing. Since I didn't "clear" this with him, he's pouting. He likes to think he has a say. I always tease him about his protectiveness.

You know you can come with?

Naw, y'all have y'all girl time tonight. I'll see you for dinner.

I sat my phone down and made some breakfast. French toast was calling my name so I got to work. As I ate, I thought about how fun tonight was going to be and I hoped Lisa enjoyed her gift. She really did need a vacation. Thinking of her made me think of my mom so I decided to give her a ring.

"Hey Mommy!"

"Hey baby! How are you?"

Hearing my mom's voice brought such a huge smile to my face. Teresa Lane was my best friend and there was no one like her. "I'm good. I just thought about you so I thought I'd check in."

"Well it's always good to be thought about. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing much. Mason and I are taking Lisa to dinner tonight for her birthday. I'm moving some client stuff around because I'm going on a cruise."

"Is that right? I'm just now hearing about this?"

I imagined her squinting her eyes at me. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. Mason is gifting Lisa a cruise and he's paying my way."

"Well, well, well! Is there something I should know? Mason finally realizes you're the best woman for him?"

"Mommy, stop it. We're just friends. He's just being nice because he has the money. It's no big deal."

"Mmhmm, and I'm a horse's behind, but you two keep on playing. I'll just mind my business."

We continued talking for another 30 minutes. I loved this woman! She had me laughing so hard about the date she went on a few days ago. My dad had died when I was 15 and for years, my mom focused on me and work. Now she was out here, living her best life and I loved it.

I walked into my room and picked out my outfit. Tonight, I'd chosen a maxi yellow halter dress that crossed in the front with a thigh high slit. Yellow was both our mom's favorite color and I looked awesome in it, win/win situation. Then, I picked out my makeup colors and underwear. Everything was set so when I had to get ready, I wasn't hunting for anything.

My phone pinged and I read the message from Monica.

You ready to get down tonight?!

Yes, crazy! Lol! I'll meet you at the club because I have dinner with Mason and his mom first.

And how is Mason?

Monica was slightly infatuated with Mason. They flirted back and forth, but nothing came from it. He'd told me before that he wouldn't try to get with any of my friends. If things didn't go well he didn't want it to mess up anything between us.

He's fine. I replied.

Yes, that he is! LBVS

Girl, keep calm and keep it in your pants!

I felt a protective wave wash up and I calmed myself. Monica was just being Monica when it came to Mason. I didn't need to be...jealous?

Hahahaha!! I'll let you go, just confirming. Later gator!

I looked at the time then threw my phone on the bed to get ready. I showered, put some moisturizer in my hair to refresh my curls, did my makeup, and slipped on my heels. I put a pair of sandals in my bag. Though I loved a good pair of heels, flat shoes were this girl's best friend. I grabbed my phone and texted Mason that I was headed out.

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