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Jasmine and I made our way to the food court. I was starving and orange chicken was calling my name. We stood in line and ordered our food. She got black pepper chicken with brown rice. We found a spot and dug in. As soon as I put a piece of chicken in my mouth, her fork was in my plate.

“Hey! If you wanted orange chicken, you should've gotten your own!”

“Now Masey-poo, must we go through this every time we eat?  You dig in mine, I dig in yours, we eat each other's food. That's not changing. Now, more chicken please!”

I watched as she speared a piece of chicken and put it in her mouth. Some of the orange glaze was in the corner of her mouth. I reached out and wiped it away with my thumb. Her eyes held mine and we just stared at each other.

“You're always so messy,” I said as I licked my thumb. Her eyes went to my mouth and her cheeks blushed slightly, at least I think they did. The air around us had become heavy and I felt drawn to Jasmine in a way I hadn’t felt for her before.  I needed to stop feeling this way.  “Ok.  Mom's birthday is in three days so we'll do everything then and in two weeks, we'll be cruising.  That work for you?”

“Yep! That'll give me enough time to move clients around and update folks on their events.”

“Great! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Mom's face!” I replied.

Jasmine was talking with a mouth full of food, “I know! She's gonna flip! I can't wait. I need to go shopping.”

I laughed quietly and asked, “For what? You have a closet full of stuff!”

“Dude! I'm not hitting the seas looking regular! I'm buying new dresses, sandals, swimsuits and who knows what else!” she declared.

I couldn't do anything but smile at her excitement. We finished our food and walked back to the SUV. I opened her door for her and she giggled, but didn't say anything. The ride back to her place was quiet. I pulled up and she jumped out as soon as I parked.

“Let me know when you get home. Thanks for paying for my trip. You're not so bad after all!”  We both laughed as she closed the door and skipped up to her front door. She was such a dork. As she opened the door to her house, she turned and blew me a kiss, then stuck out her tongue.  I flipped her the bird and drove off after I saw her door close.

I walked in my place and turned on my sound system. Classic R&B bumped through the speakers. I grabbed some water from the refrigerator and texted Jasmine.

I made it home.

Took you long enough!

Well pardon me that I'm not a speed demon like you!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Grandpa!

LOL!! There are a few things that are grand about me.


I'm sitting on my couch, watching "Eli" on Netflix when my phone goes off. Mason's letting me know he's made it home. That last line about some things being grand about him snaps me back to the food court.

When his thumb brushed away the sauce on my face, my body tensed.  I had to tell myself, Girl get ahold of yourself, that's your friend!  Then when he licked his thumb, all I could think about was what it would be like to be that thumb. I felt my face blush and hoped he didn't notice.

Mason and I have been friends for about 15 years. We've friendly flirted but nothing serious. He's my best friend and we have each other's back. We talk about everything under the sun. I get him and he gets me. I would never want anything to mess us up. He's had some rough stuff happen and I don't want to be the girl that would take advantage.

I had to get this conversation back into the safe zone before it strayed too far away.

Yeah, your head and your ego! LOLFR!

Mason quickly replied. Big head, I know you not talking!

Whatever jerk! I'm going to take a nap and do some work. Got a trip to plan for.  Good night!


I threw a blanket over myself and settled in to watch this movie. Soon my mind wandered to Mason. I thought of his strong hands, sliding up and down the sides of my body. His beard tickling my skin as he placed kisses between my thighs. I felt myself getting hotter and wetter the more I thought about him.

"Girl, get a grip!" I yelled at myself.  I couldn't be thinking about him this way. I just need to get myself together and put him back in the friend section of my brain...and my heart.

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