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We sat in White Water Cafe, the poolside eatery and each ordered something for the table to share. As we waited for the food to come, Mason told our mothers about Stacy.

“She's here? Small world. How is she?” Lisa asked.

“She seemed fine. We're meeting up at 2.”

“Oh that's nice.”

I sat and listened, drinking the Mai Tai I ordered. I noticed our mothers glancing at each other.

“Stacy was a nice girl. Shame she didn't know a good thing when she had it,” my mother stated.

“Mom, don't be like that. She wanted to pursue her career. There's nothing wrong with that.”

“True, but she didn't need to leave Mason to pursue a career. She could've tried to make both work,” she continued.

Mason smiled at my mother, “I appreciate that Mama Tee, but it's cool.” By this time, our food had arrived. We all passed around the different dishes. I stole a piece of Mason's french toast. “Jassy, you have your own right there! Why are you eating mine?”

“I like your stuff better.” His eyes locked with mine as I finished speaking. We both licked our lips and I could feel myself getting hot. I cut a piece of my french toast and fed it to him. I watched him chew and his mouth held that smirk. Who knew chewing could be sexy? “Fair trade. You happy now?”

He rolled his shoulders and chuckled, “Maybe,’ then he mumbled, “I can think of other things that would make me happy.” I didn't know if our mothers heard him, but I sure did. We continued eating and discussed different events we wanted to attend.

Mason checked his phone. “Well, it's almost time for me to meet Stacy. I'll see y'all later. The movie starts at 8 so let's meet at 7:30 outside the theater.”

We all stated our agreement. As I watched him walk away, everything in me wanted to call out to him and stop him, but I didn't. I watched his long legs stride out, going to another woman. I turned back to the table and caught our moms looking at each other again. They both looked
at me, sadness in both sets of eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” they both replied.

“Ladies, I was born at night, not last night. What's going on?”

My mother responded first, “Nothing. It's just interesting that Stacy is here.”

“Yeah, of all the places for her to show up. I didn't think we'd see her again,” Mama Lisa continued.

“Yeah. I was certainly shocked. Mason seems happy though.” Both mumbled a half hearted agreement then turned their attention back to the food. I saw them glancing at each other again. “You two either know something or you're planning something. Tell me now!”

My mother’s head snapped up real  quick at my raised voice, “Hey, that voice needs to come down a few octaves. There is nothing going on that we can say.”

“Mm hmm…”

Mama Lisa held my gaze and sighed, “Look, we just thought maybe you and Mason might finally get a little...closer this trip. That's all.”

“Oh.” I couldn't hide the disappointment I felt. I thought the same, but Mason was avoiding me. I didn't know how I was supposed to work out my feelings for him if he wouldn't talk to me. “Well, it looks like Stacy will be occupying some of his time. Besides, Mason and I flirt but it's harmless. It's always been harmless. Nothing to write home about.”

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