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There were two days left before we flew to Miami and boarded the cruise ship. I was excited and a little nervous for this trip. Things were still weird with Mason and I didn’t like it. He was being surface level with me and I felt like we had just been going through the motions. It was pissing me off. I decided to call Monica and see what she thought.

“Hey girl! You busy?”

“Nope! What's up?”

I gnawed on my bottom lip and blew out a breath, “So, I need to tell you something.” I could hear Monica shuffling around and the sound was making me nervous for some reason.

“And that is?” Monica asked, her tone curious.  I was never one to beat around the bush, so when I didn’t immediately speak, Monica knew this was big. “You can tell me anything.  What’s going on?”

I took a deep breath and blurted everything out. “A few weeks ago Mason saw me naked. Since then, things have been...heated...between us. Sexually. Nothing has happened though. Last week he came by and interrupted me and Lance, so that's how they met. Now things are weird between us and it's pissing me off. He's treating me differently."

It seemed like Monica was silent for the longest time before she said, “Mason saw your goodies and you didn't tell me?! Wait, do y'all like each other?” I couldn't decipher Monica's tone. I didn't know if she was mad at me or not. If she was, was it because I didn't tell her before or because she liked Mason?

“I didn't tell you before 'cause it wasn't a big deal. I think he likes me but he hasn't said anything outright. Are you mad?” She laughed long and hard before she answered.

“Mad? Why would I - GIRL! No! I might have a crush on the guy but I know it's not going anywhere. So, what are you going to do? Especially since he's being weird.”

I was relieved. It would’ve sucked to have lost our friendship while I felt like I was losing Mason. “Well, I'm gonna confront him. He's pissing me off! Besides, I don't want to be on the ship with him and he's all BLAH.”

“Oh right, the cruise. When do you leave?”

“In two days.” I heard the low hum of her mixer in the background and wondered what delicious treat she was making.

“Well let me know how the talk goes. You two will get past this. Y'all have always been so open with each other and that's what makes y'all work. Don't lose that now.”

I knew she was right and I was grateful for her saying it. She knew us, and her words confirmed what I knew about us. “Thanks hun! Talk to you later.” We hung up and I immediately texted Mason. We were fixing this TODAY!

Hey, can you come over?

What's up?

Bring your tail here and you'll find out! He didn't respond after that. I went to my room and started packing. I turned on my "Everything" playlist and 100k by Tobe Nwigwe came on. I bounced around my room, rapping, lost in my own world. When it got to his wife's verse, I was really into it.

“Hold up Tob
Let me at 'em
Not a Crip
But get it crackin’”

As I turned, hands clapping, face screwed up, there was Mason standing in my doorway. I jumped so high, Spider-Man would've been jealous. “MASON! You scared the crap out of me! I'm going to take your key back.”

He just stood there, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Please continue the show.” He danced his way into my room, imitating me. I couldn't do anything but laugh. Once he was done, he plopped down on my bed, laughing.

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