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I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I looked pretty good if I did say so myself. Since my birthday was in October and Halloween was one of my favorite holidays, I decided to have a costume party. I was going as Storm from X-Men.

I decided to go with the Storm of my childhood from the 90’s cartoon. The skintight white bodysuit and knee high white boots made me feel sexy and powerful. I had pieces added to my hair so it was long and curly. There were silver streaks added throughout. I couldn't help but twirl around, letting my cape swing. This costume was awesome!

“You look soooooo good! Maybe we could just stay here.”

“Absolutely not! Miss my own party?! Nope!” I replied with a laugh. Lance wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. He started to take little bites and I moaned. “Lance, we don't have time.”

I pulled out of his embrace and walked into the bathroom. I finished my makeup and sprayed some perfume. He stood in the doorway, looking me up and down.

“That's fine. I can wait until later.”

I looked at him and smiled. It wasn’t a full one though and I hoped he didn't notice. After seeing Mason yesterday, he’d set up residence in my head. I wondered what he'd wear to my party. Lance had decided to go as Deadpool. The suit looked good on him and my mind pictured Mason wearing it. This particular one would look like liquid latex on Mason. He was bigger than Lance so it would be past skintight on him.

I felt bad because Lance was so happy right now and I was going to break his heart. I HAD to break up with him. Even if I didn't end up with Mason, Lance needed to be with someone who wasn’t consumed with thoughts and feelings for someone else.

“Let's go. We can't be late,” I said.

He took my hand and we walked out together. When he opened the car door for me, he kissed me and said, “Tonight's going to be a good night baby!”


When we stepped into the venue, my face lit up! The decorations were blue and yellow. There were balloons, streamers, and comic book and horror movie centerpieces. A photo wall had been set up. The DJ was jamming and I was ready to hit the dance floor.

“Jasmine! Ooooo weeee! You look phenomenal!”

“Thank you Mommy!” I pulled her into a tight hug and held on to her. When I finally let her go, I took a look at her. “Well, you look spectacular!”

She'd decided to come as a flapper. I grabbed her hand and she did a little twirl. The fringe on her navy blue and gold dress swayed as she moved.

“Well, I do what I can for you darling.” We laughed and then she greeted Lance. “Hello Lance. Nice Deadpool suit.”

“Thanks. You look fantastic.”

“Why thank you!”

I took in the room again, then turned to my mom, “Mom, the place looks great. You are the best!”

“Anything for you.”

We walked over to the food tables and I checked that everything was placed nicely and was heating well.

“Babe, take a break. This is your party, not a work event,” Lance playfully scolded me. He pulled me into his side and kissed the side of my head. I gave him a little smile.

“I know, I know. I can't help it. I just want everything to be perfect.”

“It is now that I'm here!”

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