Fire With Fire

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***Grey's POV***

Friday rolled around and let's just say Mak was a ball of nerves. My father insisted we actually meet up with the person who sent the email. So, that was the plan. My Dad has our security team hidden around the diner that we will be having the meeting at.

Mak and I got dressed for a normally scheduled work day. I couldn't help but worry when I saw Mak's hands fumbling to assemble his buttons on his dress shirt. I quietly walk to stand in front of him.

His forehead head falls to my shoulder and he breathes shakily. I silently run the small buttons thru the holes. My hands are steady while I help Mak thru his process. When he is more than presentable, I slip my hands to the side of his face. I lift his eyes to focus on my own. His stunning hazel eyes are glassy and his nerves are dancing within those enchanting orbs.

Giving up on any idea of a pep talk, I gently capture his lips with my own. Our pink lips slot together and I transfer my love to him with a sweet, soft kiss. My tongue breaks thru his plush pout and I brush is slowly across his pallet. Our tongues dance and compliment one another as I distract my love from his worries.

Mak tangles his fingers into my hair and his breath breaks into sultry pants. I walk him backward to the wall, ready to escalate the assault to his sweet cavern. His back presses against the structure and I knock his ankles apart with my foot. My knee wedges between his thighs and I unleash my resistance.

Our mouths thoroughly accompany themselves with one another. Our saliva mixes and I hum into the beautiful disaster we are creating. Mak moans and I smile inside knowing he is relaxing, even if only for a few minutes.

I release his tempting lips and prop my elbows on either side of his head. Our foreheads lean against one another. I take a mind clearing breath before beginning my words to bring him ease.

"Baby, it's going to be okay. I can only imagine what you are feeling. Please understand, my dad would never put you in danger. Just try not to stress so much. We are going to feel this fucker out and create a game plan. Okay, hmmm." I whisper. Every word drops with the conviction of my faith in my Daddy.

"I don't want to do this. I'm scared. Literally, I'm fucking frightened. Not for me, I'm so worried that they will target you because of me." Mak whispers in bated breaths.

"Oh, sweet man. Don't be foolish. I will snap his fucking neck if he so much as blinks too fast. Believe that." I smile. My Mak is worried about absolutely nothing of value. I am well equipped to render someone useless.

"I trust you implicitly." Mak weakly smiles and captures my lips with his velvet mouth. I kiss the beautiful man before me in love and adoration.

I keep the menacing vibrations that ripple thru my body at bay. I ache to deliver a beat down to the piece of shit who has my Mak trembling. I drop my arms and rub them comfortingly up and down Mak's forearms. I intertwine our fingers and pull Mak off of the wall.

We make our way to the living room. Mario and Kip wait by the door. They silently shadow us to the garage. We take my limo, heading towards the office.

Mark greets us at the entrance to our building. His eyes scan my boyfriend and he shoots me a knowing glance. He throws his arm over Mak's shoulder and kisses his temple.

"Stop stressing handsome. Daddy Martin would slay Satan to protect you. And, he would look sexy as fuck while gutting him."

Mak giggles and I wink at Mark over my adorable man's head.

"See, who needs to worry when you have a God like Martin Parker in your corner." I joke with my love.

"If you're trying to give me a boner." Mak giggles.

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