Daddy N Law

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***Mak's POV***

That day after Mark had his anxiety attack, he became our main focus. He needed us and we wanted to be there for him.

In my darkest moments, I had this group of people who loved me immeasurably. The Parkers, Kip, Mario, Mark and Grey are my support system, my family.

Mark needed that same support. So, we gladly offered it.

Things weren't getting better but, his functioning levels were commendable.

He tried really hard not to add any unneeded stress to our plates. He failed. Everyday we could see the toll his heart was taking on him. It made me teary eyed to watch.

Amazingly enough, his work didn't seem to suffer through all the craters and sink holes in his emotions. He was nothing if not thorough on the job.

Sitting at my desk, I type away. I am answering the slew of emails from prospective contracts that have contacted us.

Mark comes over and sets a stack of reports on my desk. I smile brightly at my friend. He manages a cordial smile of his own and walks to his office.

I sigh knowingly.

"Mak can you come here please?" I hear Grey calling out for me.

I finish typing out the last of my response on an email. I click send before standing from my desk. I push my chair back and stand up. I walk quickly to Grey's office.

"I'm here. What can I help you with?" I take my seat on the corner of his desk.

"I missed you." Grey smiles as he pulls me into his lap.

"It's like ten thirty babe. We literally have been apart for an hour." I giggle as Grey's well manicured facial hair scratches against my chin. His lips are busy suckling at my neck.

"Too long." Grey mumbles into my flesh.

"You're a mess." I tangle my fingers in his hair and push him further into the crevice he is exploring. His hands wrap around my thighs and I lean into his touch.

"You two are fucking insatiable." Kip walks in and sets down my glorious coffee.

"Thank you." I smile sweetly at the angel who never passes up a chance to shower me with caffeine.

"Don't be jealous." Grey lifts his face from my neck and smiles ruefully at Kip.

"Shit, fucking porn stars are jealous of you two jack rabbits." Kip laughs.

"We're making up for lost time." I wink as I take a sip of the holy grail of beverages.

"I think you have that base covered." Kip waves as he walks back out of the office.

"Do you think we have too much sexy time?" I ask incredulously.

"No, I don't think we have enough." Grey nips my bottom lip as I purr into his mouth. His tongue expertly escapes into my mouth causing me to spin around and straddle his muscular body.

Grey's fingers dig into my clothed back and he deepens our kiss.

I fucking love working with my boyfriend.

"Are you two going to fuck with the door wide open?" I blush while turning to see Daddy Parker cocking an eyebrow at our current position.

"Not now, we aren't." Grey growls lowly at his father.

"Don't growl at me boy. My bark is bigger than your bite." Daddy Parker grabs Grey's coffee as Grey pouts adorably.

"What is with you stealing people's coffee?" Grey whines.

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