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***Grey's POV***

We get up in a hurry and rush through our morning routine. I have a serious case of Jet lag, especially with the time difference. However, I will power through it.

I'm so fucking excited.

"Baby. Let's go!" I lift my hands and Mak jumps into my arms. I kiss his amazing lips and haul us straight out of the room.

We walk quickly to my Dad's room and I bang the heel of my palm against the door.

"I'm ready." Dad comes out smiling manically.

"I can't wait." Mak leans over and latches on to my Dad. Dad hugs him and pushes him around so Mak is getting a piggie back ride.

Dad walks by Mario and Kip's room, knocking roughly twice.

It takes less than a minute before the two are out of the door and joining our group.

"Who is waking the gremlin?" Mak giggles out.

"You!" We all say. Mark can't seem to stay upset with Mak. So he will be the sacrificial lamb.

"Sure." Mak rolls his eyes and smiles brightly.

Dad let's Mak slide down his back and we all move to the side while Mak sticks the spare room key in the door. He launches himself forward, through the door and we bust out laughing.

Mak lands directly on top of Mark, waking him instantly.

Mark groans. He turns Mak over inside of his arms and starts tickling him.

A peal of giggles leaves my baby's lips as Mark takes advantage and blows raspberries on his cheeks.

"Good. Morning." Mak laughs manically while Mark digs his fingers in between his ribs.

"They sacrifice you?" Mark huffs out, his breath coming out in laughing pants.

Mak shakes his head and points in our direction.

"Assholes." Mark laughs. He picks Mak up and deposits him in my arms. Then he slams the door in our faces.

"You Benedict Arnold." I playfully point at my love.

Mak nips at my finger and winks at me.

Dad turns around and let's Mak have his position on his back once again.

A minute later, Mark comes out looking like a whole fucking meal. I whistle lowly and run my thumb over my bottom lip, dramatically dragging my eyes from his legs to his eyes.

"Quit checking me out bastard. Let's get this over with." Mark smirks as I playfully slap his shoulder.

"Damn, Mark. You clean up nice." Mak purrs after making bedroom eyes at our friend.

"You aren't reeling me in today, Mak." Mark walks beside us as we move through the hotel lobby.

"I don't know what you are insinuating." Mak giggles when Mark points at him.

"Mmmhmm. The whole hall heard you two. I realize you rile up Grey to get your brains fucked out." Mark pinches Mak's cheek.

"I plead the fifth." Mak giggles.

I whip around and glare at my little vixen.

"OH my Gahhhdd. You didn't fucking know." Kip belts out a large guffaw.

No. I didn't.

"Baby?" I ask incredulously.

"EGO dont loqui anglicus." Mak winks over at me.

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