Where to Begin

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***Grey's POV***

God the hangover. What the fuck did we drink last night? Everything.

I groan as my head throbs. The sun is an evil star that needs to go back to bed.

"You feel like shit too?" Mak cuddles into me with a moan of pain.

"Never again." I whine while I stand. Jesus.

"Yeah. Yeah. That's gonna work well with a wedding." Mak follows me to the bathroom and relieves himself.

"What are we doing today?" I ask the love of my life.

"Apparently, suffering. Also, we gotta start thinking about a wedding." Mak washes his hands and leads me out into the kitchen.

I look over at the breakfast bar where my four friends are all groaning as their heads rest on the granite.

"We hate you." Kip holds his head and growls.

"It was Dad." I argue because it WAS dad.

"Well, he's fired." Seb cries out.

"Why am I always to blame?" Dad walks in with a grocery bag. He heads to the kitchen and starts making Bloody Mary's. Must be guilt.

"Daddy Parker, I'm not being disrespectful. But, it was definitely you who ordered the mind benders." Mak accepts his drink with a grimace.

"And the liquid marijuana's." Seb takes a sip
of his glass and thanks dad.

"The blow jobs. The blue mother fucker. The Jim jones." Mark piles on some of the drinks we took.

"How's mom?" I ask. She was so lit. Her and Mak were tearing up the dance floor.

"Your mother can hold her alcohol. She was up buying this shit for you bums at six am." Dad laughs when I roll my eyes, painfully.

"Alex and Gav get home okay?" I ask reluctantly.

"Nope." Dad points to the living room. I look but, I see nothing.

Dad urges me forward and I see two very passed out partners on the floor.

Dad heads towards them and makes me cringe. He opens the blinds widely and blasts the tv loudly on rock music.

I chuckle when Alex and Gav groan while waking.

"Get up slackers. It's morning." Dad grabs Gavin under his arms and I help Alex up.

"We can't hang with you guys. Too much." Gavin stumbles towards the bathroom.

"Go catch him before he passes out." Dad points Alex towards the bathroom.

"We need to eat." Mak whines while passing out Tylenol.

"Thank you baby." I bend down and kiss him gently.

"Did we have sex?" Mak asks. His face blooms in chagrin.

"You would know more than me." I shrug. I can't remember.

"You didn't." Mark answers for us.

"How do you know?" Mak glares at Mark.

"Couple reasons. One, dad put Grey to bed. I put you to bed. Two, you were too quiet. Three you aren't limping." I nod in agreement. It sounds legit enough.

"You owe me." Mak pulls me down and kisses me before climbing into my arms.

"Yes, Sir." I happily agree.

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