Finally Encouragement

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Author's Note

I finally found it. (Where the rest of this lovely couple's story is headed.) I'm excited. I contemplated and couldn't bring myself to force any ideas. Now I have it and could probably write the remainder of the book this very moment.

I'm going to hate ending my precious Grey and Mak's story. However, the sequel is in the works and I'm excited to delve into Sebastian and Mark's complicated tale. Pull will be published the same day this book is completed. No waiting. Except for updates which I feel like I'm pretty consistent with.

Stay tuned. The ride isn't over. We still have a bit to go.

Thank you for reading, voting and devoting time to my active imagination. I adore you all.

To those of you who are struggling with starting a story: Just Do It! Open your world for us to watch as the true workings of your mind bleed on to paper. If even one person reads your story, you are successful. That person is you. Write to yourself, for yourself and become yourself.

You're gorgeous. You're talented. You're amazing. I promise. Someone, somewhere needs what you are keeping bottled up.

Fuck Writer's Block. It exists so you can rise above it and tear it down. Don't get discouraged. Write until you feel content. True readers are always patient.

Keep reading. Keep writing. Keep loving.

Most of all:

Don't give up. On anything. If you need a friend, an editor, a sound board, just message me. If it's terrible we can fix it. If it doesn't exist, fix it.

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