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***Mak's POV***

Everyday I waited to hear back from each adoption agency. The first three were the last to respond. I sit on the edge of the bed with trembling hands, praying that these three offer better news.

It's not like I expected the others to be accommodating. Most of them had strong guidelines, same sex couples were not exactly omitted. They just weren't included in the general by laws.

Thirty other institutions denied us solely based on our love life. I expected that. It didn't hurt half as much as I had assumed.

The three envelopes in my hand threaten my sanity.

My fingers shake as I read the first one. The words blurring together as tears fill my eyes.

Mr. Parker,

We regret to inform you, we can not assist you in search to begin the adoption process. Please don't believe that this has anything to do with your sexual orientation. It does not.

After a thorough background search, and many hard decisions we have concluded:

You are not prepared to create a vital nurturing environment for a child who
may come to you less than whole. Having basically raised yourself, you offer no background in a family setting.

While we hate to punish you for things out of your control, we cannot in good conscious place a child with you and your husband.

Do not let this deter you in your journey to become parents. I have inserted a pamphlet with other resources that may aid you in your aspirations.

Once again, I apologize for the disheartening news.

Your truly,


They are sorry. That's what I receive, an apology. I pass the letter off to Grey so he can read the discouraging reason we have, yet again, been denied a child.

Dear Makil Parker,

While you come from a stellar educational background and immense wealth, we have decided to deny your application.

The reason for our decision is based solely on your medical background.

Having a history of both seizures and anxiety, we feel your health is more important than the need to start a family.

At this time, we are sending you this letter with sincere hope that you will find stability in your health and try again one day in the future.

A child comes with severe responsibility and everyday stressors. While we know you have not had a seizure in some time, it is against policy to place a child with anyone who may still have a threat of such a life altering occurrence.

Please seek our services once you have been medically cleared for a period of at least five years.

This is nothing personal. We have inserted a list of other agencies, in which you may qualify.

Our deepest appreciation for your application.


Harvard Ulyssess

"My medical history." I wipe my eyes before rolling them. They are grasping at straws. I don't know why they keep denying our applications.

We want a child. Is that so wrong? How can the need and desire to love a less fortunate being, be wrong?

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