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***Grey's POV***

My heart races frantically. Mak spasms in Mario's huge arms. Kip has the door to the SUV openened before Mario shoves his own body inside, Mak held tightly in his arms. Mark and I slip in the back and Dad sits in the passenger's seat. Kip was flooring it as we close the doors.

"What the actual fuck?" Mark groans.

My hands won't stop shaking. My pulse is painfully throbbing against the veins in my temples. I am in full fledged panic mode. Mario rubs his fingers thru my boyfriend's hair. He whispers soothing words.

I try to focus on the words to calm the raging inferno of fear in my mind.

"Son, has he ever had a seizure?" Martin asks.

"He never mentioned it." I shake my head in confirmation.

The hospital is too far away. It takes ten minutes for us to roll up to the emergency room. Nurses quickly remove Mak from Mario's capable arms. The swinging doors slam between the love of my life and our party of well built men.

I sink to my knees. My hands lace in my hair. My scream fills the air. I try to muffle it inside my own chest. Tears pool in my eyes. I'm losing it. My sanity is snapping.

My dad's burly arms wrap around me as he falls to the ground beside me. He pulls me into his lap and cradles me. He rocks me back and forth.

"He's going to be fine. Calm down boy. He will be okay." My dad tries to sooth me with his words.

I whimper into his chest. His hand pets my hair and I practice breathing. Mark rubs my back and kisses my temple.

"Grey. Everything will be okay. I'm sure it's just stress." Mark whispers into my ear.

I know what they are saying should make sense. But, seeing my angel violently thrashing undid me. The image of Mak's eyes rolling, the whites dancing with no sign of the gorgeous hazel, made my stomach lurch. In the most disgusting display of nerves, I bolt outside of the emergency room doors. My mouth opens and my food spills from the center of my stomach.

"Fuck!" I hear Kip yell before his own food expels beside me.

I couldn't help the maniacal laugh that bubbles up my throat.

"Pussy." I whisper.

"You're one to talk. That shit looks like a scene from The Exorcist." Kip laughs as he wipes the back of his hand over his mouth.

Two bottles of opened water push into are hands. I tilt my head back and guzzle down the cold fluid. Instantly my mouth feels less disgusting. I gargle some before spitting it out. I use the rest of the bottle to half ass clean the grass in front of the hospital.

"If you two are done with your science presentation, we should go back inside." My Dad laughs, rubbing my back as I head back into the waiting area.

We don't wait long. A nurse walks us back to a room where my beautiful boyfriend lays. Wires are connected to his chest, his temples and his fingers. A line is running from his elbow to the bag of fluids that drips into his veins.

"We will run an MRI, CT Scan, blood tests and an EEG to be safe. But, I believe stress will be the underlying cause. Mr. Oliver's blood pressure is higher than average. His pulse is racing. His breathing is labored. All signs point to panic." The doctor informs us.

Mak lies on the hospital bed, completely incoherent.

"His body is in shock. He will wake after he calms down. This is a defensive mechanism. He will be fine." The nurse explains.

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