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***Mak's POV***

Tomorrow is a big day. Today we are all sitting at Martin's home office anxiously waiting for the man of the hour to show his handsome face. Yeah, I have a severe crush on Daddy Parker. Call it Daddy issues.

Mr. Martin walks thru the office door with a wide smile, directed specifically at me. I smile back. My hand comes up in a childish wave.

"How are you feeling son?" Mr. Martin asks. He kisses my forehead before kissing Grey's and Mark's as well.

"I'm okayy." I stutter slightly.

Grey squeezes my fingers that are laced with his. My nerves are prominent in my unusually unclear words.

"So." Mr. Martin starts. He takes his seat. He crosses his left ankle over his right knee and folds his fingers into a steeple in front of himself.

The man exudes confidence, dominance and strength. I squirm under his watchful stare. It's just too sexy to ignore.

"Mak, we have a plan." Mr. Martin informs me. I had no doubt.

"Okay." I speak softly.

"I will explain it. You let me know how comfortable or uncomfortable you are with everything. Don't be afraid of my reaction. I will never compromise your safety under any circumstances." Mr. Martin assures me.

"Yes, Sir." I nod as the words leave my mouth.

"I sense you are still intimidated by Carl. It's definitely understandable. This can be used to our advantage. A slimeball like him is going to be more confident if you show signs of fear. We need that confidence. His arrogance will be his demise." Mr. Martin explains.

"Well, I have plenty of fear." I whisper.

"Mak, you are such a brave young man. My only wish is to remove that fear from ever being a threat to you again. In our investigation, we have read thru your files, newspaper articles, police interrogations and even your school records. You have not a single thing to worry for." Mr. Martin reaches over and ruffles my thick locks. Grey growls playfully at his father. I giggle.

"Can we get to the unpleasant part? I could listen to you build my ego all day. But, I prefer to hear the plan." I ask politely.

"I want you to meet Carl directly. In a semi public area. I want you to bait him into an admission of his crimes. Not the ones regarding the files he wants. Instead, I want you to make him confess to his pedophilloic appetite." Mr. Martin lays the hard shit straight onto the table.

I inhale sharply as his words register in my mind.

"Baby, you want to help others right? This is the best way to get Carl out of contact with minors." Grey rubs my back as my breathing calms down.

"I do want to help. It's hard though. That man assaulted me. He stole from me. He made me feel dirty and worthless. Until you came along Grey, I never knew if I could be with a man the way I craved to. That was because of Carl stealing my innocence." I almost jump from my seat. Anger and fear seep thru my veins.

"There is no better way to repay his evil, then to take away his playground." Kip soothes.

"You're right. I know you are." I nod in agreement.

"I can do this. I think." I nod thru the whole dialogue, silently trying to persuade myself.

"We will wire you. You just hold a conversation and we will be hiding out in case of any unexpected surprises. We will protect you at all costs. I have insisted the help of authorities. You will be fine." Mark urges me.

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