Chapter 2

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No One POV

"What?!" Both Seungmin and Hyunjin said. "You too are engaged to each other." Seungmin's mother said. "But mum! I don't even know him! Why should I be engaged to him!?" Seungmin said. "Hunny, at least be glad that we put you with a guy, same age as you.You wouldn't want it to be a girl don't you?" Seungmin's mother said. Seungmin just remained silent and said nothing.

True, Seungmin should be a little glad since his parents knew he's gay. But he didn't like the fact that he's gonna get married to someone he barely knew. "And also, the four of us has bought a new house for the two of you. You two will move in tomorrow after school." Hyunjin's mother said.

Seungmin was about to say something but kept quiet as he saw Hyunjin not saying anything. 'Maybe he has things to say as well but he's just keeping quiet.' He thought.

Once they finished everything.
At home

Seungmin decided to Skype video call Felix and Jisung.

"Oh! It's rare to see Seungmo calling us!" Jisung said through the call. "Go stuff your mouth with some nuts, you squirrel." Seungmin said. "Woah Woah Seungmo, what's wrong?" Felix said. "Nothing much. Just some family matters." Seungmin sighed. "You know you can tell us right, we're hear to hear you out." Jisung said. "I guess I can tell.." Seungmin hesitated before explaining.

"So you're saying, you're engaged to Hwang Hyunjin..?" Jisung said. "Yes, for the 100th time." Seungmin said. "And that's because your father's company is slowly going down, so he asked Hyunjin's father for help. And that's how it is?" Jisung asked. "Yeap." Seungmin replied.

"That must've suck for you. Getting married to someone you barely knew." Felix said. "Exactly!" Seungmin said. "And I have to live with him starting from tomorrow.. In a house that they bought." Seungmin said. "For real?!" Felix said. Seungmin nodded and Jisung said, "That actually sucks for you."

"I know.... Anyways gotta go. I have to pack my clothes and all. I'll call yall tmr. Through Skype as well. Same time. Bye friends." Seungmin said and disconnected from the call. He then went to pack his luggage with all his clothes.

Once Seungmin packed, he laid down on his bed. However, that night, he couldn't fall asleep because of everything that is starting to happen. Arranged marriage and all.

The next day

Seungmin walked to school like a zombie, eye bags under his eyes. He head straight for his class and went to his seat. Felix soon came into class with Jisung and saw Seungmin, clearly not acting like himself.

"Dude mate you alright?!You look so dead." Felix said. "Y-yeah.. Barely had enough sleep last night thinking about everything." Seungmin said.

"Yah, did you hear, there's a new student coming to our class?" A student from their class asked her friend. "What? Really?" Another student replied. "Is it a male?" She asked the other, whom gave a nod.

"Oh god.. I think I know who that person is." Seungmin sighed.

The teacher came in and everyone toom their seats. Seungmin was at the window seat and Felix was beside him while Jisung was infront of Seungmin. "Kk yall know there's a new student. Just remember, he's new so girls, please don't cling onto him if not ill make you clean the girls toilet."The teacher said." New student, please come in. " He said and the new student walked in.

" Heol! Isnt that? "One student said. "Ugh I hate that I'm always right everytime I make these guesses." Seungmin said, making Felix and Jisung look at him.

"Hello everyone. I am Hwang Hyunjin and I will be your classmate until graduation." He said. "You can sit over there, beside Han Jisung." The teacher said and Hyunjin made his way to his seat.

Arranged [Seungjin/Hyunmin]Where stories live. Discover now