Chapter 10

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Seungmin POV

We then pulled apart from each other,  our eyes fully filled with lust. I don't know how, but I managed to control my lust for Hyunjin but when I look into Hyunjin's eye..well he was craving for me, basically. "Should we head back?" I asked him. "No, not yet." He said and immediately pulled me into the cubicle room. He locked the door behind and smashed his lips on mine, and I yelped. He begged for entrance and I gave it to him as he started exploring, making me moan loudly. Suddenly, I heard the toilet door opening, hearing some guys voices.

However, that didn't stop Hyunjin. He continued kissing and he bit my lower lip, making me moan. "What the?" One boy said. "Let's just go to the other toilet." Another guy said and slowly the toilet door closed. Hyunjin pulled apart, both of us out of breath. He suddenly noticed that my eyes were wet. "Sorry, were you crying?" He asked as I touched my eyes. They were wet. "O-oh, I didn't realize that at all. Guess I was too into kissing you that I didn't realize I teared up." I told him. "Anyways, I want to ask." He said. "Am I your first kiss?" He suddenly asked as I gave him a smile.

He smiled back and suddenly said, "You're pretty good for a newbie kisser." which made me startled. "Yah, the reason why I'm this good is only because I'm with you." I told him. "Oh, did you just confessed your feelings to me?" He smirked, making me hit his knees. I grabbed his necktie and pulled it towards me, giving a peck on his lips.

"Wah.. You make me crazy that I really can't hold myself back anymore.. But I'll try. Its not at my maximum, yet." He said. "Shall we go?" He asked. "With our swollen red lips?" I said pointing at our lips. "Why not?" He giggled. I swear, that was the most cutest giggle I've ever heard. We headed back to the hall and continued with all the fun and studies.

The next day went pretty usual too, just that, it's our last day. We bought presents from Korea to give it to our partners. At the end on the school day, we exchanged gifts and wished each other good luck and all. We asked for their numbers and fortunately, they did give it to us. After that, we bid each other farewell and left the school. After that, we ate lunch at a reserved hotel area. Around 4pm, we headed back to the hotel and our free time started. "Minnie ah~,do you wanna go swimming? There's a huge swimming pool at the top of the hotel." Hyunjin asked, placing his hands around me, and his chin on my shoulder. "But I'm afraid of heights. Can I not go?" I told him and he pouted. "Okay, I'll just ask Jisung if he wanna swim along with me." Hyunjin said as he started texting Jisung.

A few minutes later, he received a reply and got disappointed. He got up from his bed and hugged me from the back, making me startled. "Oh my god Hyunjin stop giving me a panic attack!" I exclaimed. "But~ Jisung doesn't want to swim. He wants to spend time with his lover." Hyunjin told me. "Ask Felix.. No, maybe he'll say the same thing." I said. "Don't go swimming?" I asked with puppy eyes.
"Ahh Minnie!" Hyunjin pouted. "I really don't like heights! And I wanna rest." I told him. "Alright, but what are we going to do now?" He asked. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" I asked when I realized. "Ahh.." I turned, facing him as I saw a smile on his face. I walked towards him and gave him a kiss.

He reacted instantly, melting into the kiss as I pushed him onto the bed. I then got on top of him when he said, "Top Seungmin today?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Shut up." I said. "Try me." He grinned as I kissed him. "Baby, let's see if you can satisfy me." He smirked. "Shut up we had a deal. I'm not gonna satisfy you, at least not yet and you know that Jinnie." I told him. "But we still got 3 more days!" He said, sitting up. "Baby.. 3 more days. Just wait for 3 more days. It'll pass by really quickly, I promise." I told him.

Before we knew it, it has already been a week and how we're at Changi Airport. It was 4 pm in the afternoon and the flight was at 6pm. We checked in and all and it was 5.15 when I checked the time. By then, we were already inside. "So how had the trip been, Minnie?" Hyunjin asked, sitting beside me. "Guess it was nice and fun." I told him. He took my hand and intertwined it. "The more fun part is about to come soon." He said, grinning. I felt my face getting flustered so I turned to the opposite side.


We all boarded the plane and I went to my seat. 60C, the window seat. Soon, Hyunjin sat beside me. "What? You're my seat mate."I asked as he nodded. I then smiled as I placed my head on his shoulders, locking our hands together. No one was behind us cause we were the last person.

At 6.10pm, the plane took off as we all said farewell to Singapore.

Finally trip to SG ended. Ik it's quite lame but i just felt like ending it soon.

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