Chapter 5

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Seungmin POV


I checked my phone since there was a message.


Hey son, how's living with Hyunjin?

He's not that bad. He's joyful and bubbly just like a cute little puppy.

Ooh? Is someone developing some feelings for a boy?😏

So? Why are you messaging me all of a sudden? I'm packing my luggage cause our class is gg to SG tonight.

Oh sorry sorry. I just wanna say that
you and Hyunjin's marriage will be at the end of this year.

O-oh.. Okay.

Anything wrong?

Me? No nothing! I gotta go now, love you dad! And give my greetings and love to mum and sis as well.

I charged my phone and continued packing my luggage. Around 30 minutes later, I finished packing and head over to Hyunjin, only to discover a mess in the luggage.

"Yah! Fold your clothes properly! Aish!" I shouted at him as I started folding his clothes properly. "Hold on... Are you a neat freak?" He asked me. "So what if I am a neat freak?" I told him. "Anyways, yah, fold O your clothes too. This will take some time and I gotta make us a light dinner." I said as he obeyed.

After cleaning and making something light

We sat at the couch as Hyunjin ate some sweet potato chips. "Oh right.. My father messaged me just now, saying that our so-called "Marriage" is at the end of the year."I said to Hyunjin."Ohh okay...........Wait what?!" He exclaimed. "Right after we graduate?!" Hyunjin said. "Er, yeah? Obviously, we're students right now. If we get married now, it's still kinda illegal, unless you reach the age of 20. And.... We're 19 this year.." I told Hyunjin.

"R-right..." He said, sounding slightly disappointed. I felt slightly tired so I leaned in, resting my head in his shoulder as I closed my eyes.

No one POV

Hyunjin flinched by the sudden action as he looked at Seungmin. After that, he gave a small smile before putting his head down onto the couch softly after getting up. He took a blanket and a pillow and put it at where Seungmin was sleeping at.

'He must've been tired.. Well, I guess we have time until 6.' Hyunjin said. "Sleep tight, Minnie." Hyunjin said, giving a nickname to Seungmin as he carried him to their room and placed him down on the bed gently. He leaned in and gave a kiss on his forehead.

Hyunjin POV

After placing Seungmin on the bed, I went back down to the couch and decided to watch anime. I went to search for an anime called 'Assassination Classroom' (istg, watch it. Its damn nice.). I went to Season 1 episode 13 and started watching. (I think it was the episode where Takaoka first appeared? I'm not sure.)

After episode 13 ended, I went to episode 14 when my phone rang. It was from mum.

"Hey mum!"

Arranged [Seungjin/Hyunmin]Where stories live. Discover now