Chapter 15

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Seungmin  POV

It was already almost midnight when everyone decided to leave. Suprisingly, Eric and Sunwoo's area were just 30 minutes away from us.

"Okay bye everyone! Be safe." Me and Hyunjin said as we bid farewell and they left. After they left, I plopped myself on the couch. Tired, I placed my hand over my eyes, covering my eyes from the light. Then, I felt another hand in my cheeks. I looked at Hyunjin, right beside me as he smiled. "You should go and shower before going to sleep, baby. You had a rough day today." He said as I replied with a 'Mm.' "Right, are there any homeworks, hunny? There is, right?" I asked Hyunjin. "Oh.... right." He said.

"Go shower first babe, then we'll do our homework, okay?" Hyunjin said as I got up and headed to the bathroom. After showering, I quickly did my homework, along side with Hyunjin. Around 1am, we finished our homework and decided to sleep for a few hours before going back to school.


I woke up first, only to realize that we're late for school. It starts at 8 and our school bus comes at 7.30

"Hyunjin ah! We're late for school!" I exclaimed in horror as I quickly woke Hyunjin up. "Huh.. What do you mean?" He said, in a raspy tone. "It's 7am! We're late!" I told him as I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. I changed to my uniform and by the time I quickly packed all my books, in was already 7.30...

Hyunjin came out of the showers soon after I packed. "Yah, we could go by our own car.. There's a reason why we have the contact number of our personal driver." He said as I slowly realized. "RIGHT!" I quickly took out my phone and contacted my driver. He said he'll reach in about 10 minutes.

10 minutes later, we got in the car and drove off to school. I texted Felix because he texted me first saying where I was at.

Driving to sch rn. We overslept LOL

Wow.. Don't you have alarm?

Who needs alarm when Hyunjin's ringtone can literally cause a anxiety attack? Literally have u heard it? He uses his own voice, screaming "HWANG HYUNJIN WAKE UP!"



Theres a new student joining our class tdy. That's what we all heard.

"Oh Felix just told me there's a new student joining our class today." I told Hyunjin. "Really? Who?" He asked as I shrugged.

We soon reached school, 5 minutes before the school gate closed. We headed to class and sat down. "You should have told us that we had homework to do." I said, hitting Felix and Jisung. "We thought you had done it already." Jisung said. "Whatever.. Teachers here." I told them as they went to their seats.

"Okay everyone....yes yes there is a new student in this class today.. Just come in." Our teacher said. A female student walked in as everyone looked at her in awe, while me and Hyunjin were surprised.

"Hello everyone.. My name is Shin Yuna, I will be your classmate until graduation so please take good care of  me." Yuna said and bowed. Soon after, almost everyone in class exclaimed in happiness, especially the boys.

Me and Hyunjin glanced a look, almost talking to each other telepathically.

"This is gonna be a bad year.." I said in morse code as he agreed. Jisung and Felix seemed to understand as well cause they looked at us after I said.

"Everyone sit down, you boys especially. Don't give her too much trouble." Our teacher said. "Oh and, my Fiancé is in this very class right now." Yuna said as I groaned and rolled my eyes at her statement.

Arranged [Seungjin/Hyunmin]Where stories live. Discover now