Chapter 11

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Seungmin POV

3 hours later

We landed at the airport and went to collect our luggages at the arrival port. All of us were then dismissed from the airport.

"Yo Jisung, I'm gonna go to Changbin hyung House to sleep. So we can't go back together." Felix told Jisung. "Nah its fine, a hoe decided to bring me back home just to fuck me." Jisung bluntly said, earning a hit from Minho. "Yah, when did I ever say that!" He said. "TMI man! Calm your ass down." I told Jisung. "Anygays, we should go first. See y'all gays in school on Wednesday!" I said as me and Hyunjin left first. We decided to take cab back home.

50 minutes later, we reached home because 1) There was a jam going on. 2) The driver took a longer way so I wasted almost $20. The moment we reached home, I plopped myself on the couch. I closed my eyes as I slowly almost drifted off to sleep until something soft touched me, in fact on my lips. I opened and saw Hyunjin, directly on top of me. He pulled away as he smiled. "Tired after the whole trip, aren't you?" He asked me, in which I nodded.

"Go and sleep." He said. "How about you?" I asked. "I'll come after I shower." He said. He then carried me to the room and put me on the bed. After that, we left the room and came back with our luggage. He then took a towel and a set of clothes and headed to the shower room. I didn't want to shower so I got out of bed, took out something comfortable to wear and removed my shirt. As soon as I removed, I looked into the mirror.

"Oh he definitely knows it's me if he sees this scar.. I definitely can't let that ha-" I stopped as I heard the bathroom door open. Hyunjin came out with his changed outfit as he looked at me, with a naked top. "-ppen." I quickly took a shirt and covered the side where the scar was at. "Oh hey! That was quick!" I told him, quickly. "Minnie, what are you hiding?" He asked, as beads of swears formed. I turned to the opposite side, and quickly wore my shirt.

"No it's nothing!" I said. He looked at me suspiciously before sighing. "I'm not gonna really talk about it. For now, let's sleep." He said when I stopped him. "We're not gonna do it?" I asked, shyly. "I did say that we could do it after the trip.. so.."I said. "Minnie, its fine. We can do it next time. Right now, the both of us are sleepy so let's just sleep?" He asked. I then nodded my head as I laid down on the bed while Hyunjin just sat up straight.

"Jinnie ah~... What did you see just now?" I asked him, out of curiosity. "Please, be honest." I continued. He looked at me and said something that I kind of expected. "The X-shaped mark of your left stomach.." He said.

I knew it.

"Where did you get that?"

"It was nothing, I just fell." I lied.


"Heaven." I cringed after I said. "Yah, I'm serious!" He told me. "You'll find out by your own, I won't be telling you!" I cheekily said. "You jerk of an angel." He said as I looked at him, unbelievable. "Yah, firstly I'm an angel, that's correct and secondly, I'm not a jer-" I got cut off by his lips on mine as I kissed him back. He pulled apart but I pulled him back again, reconnecting. Let's say, I was craving for those lips to be on me for the whole day. I pulled away after a while. "Jerk..not letting me complete my sentence."

"Hehe sorry." He said. "Your lips taste hella tasty. Can I?" He asked as I blushed at the sudden comment. "I'll take that as a yes." He said, not waiting for my answer and reconnected our lips together as we shared a little heated up make-out session. I started moaning as he started to explore inside.

He pulled away, looking at me with an incredible amount of lust in his eyes. " Er... Erm... Jinnie, cuddle?" I shyly asked him. He then gave a smile as we cuddled to sleep.

Arranged [Seungjin/Hyunmin]Where stories live. Discover now