Chapter 9

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Okay yall b4 I start, I wanna apologise first. I've decided to change the school name to the school that I'm currently attending so please don't hate me.

Seungmin POV

"Seungmin ahh~" Hyunjin called. He then gave me a peck on my cheeks as I looked at him. "Yah we're in the bus!" I whisper-shouted. "So? We did say to have kisses daily." Hyunjin smiled. "But not in public!" I told him when suddenly he gave me a peck in the lips. "Yahhh.." Me and Felix said at the same time, making me look at Lix, sitting at the back with Changbin.
Jisung and Minho beside us.

"You two should stop making out in a bus. We know you are married but please, not in front of our salads." Felix said when my face turned so red. "Aigooo, Seungminnie's embarrassed." Jisung said, grinning.
You might be wondering where Chan and the other 2 are, they're sitting in front of me. "Can you not? I'm really eager to see the school." I told them.

"And Hyunjin, if you do it to me one more time, I swear, you won't be seeing tonight." I glared.

At school

When we reached, we saw a bunch of students waiting inside the school. We all got off.

"Hi, everyone, welcome to _________ Secondary School!" A student greeted.
"Your partners will be picked through this box, so each person, please come forward and pick your slip of paper. We have written our names in it so you can go to your partners." The student said. We then decided to pick our papers and it was my turn. I picked and looked at the paper.

'May' is the person that I'll be partners with. "Hyunjin, how about you? Who did you get?" I asked him. He then showed me the slip of paper. 'Shiro'

We then searched for our partners and found them. "I guess they are best friends? They are talking and laughing happily." I told Hyunjin as he nodded. We then walked to the girls.

(underlined words are spoken in English.)

"Hello, I think we're your partners." I said, in fluent English. "Nice to meet you, I'm May and this is my friend, Shiro." May introduced as she asked for a handshake. "Oh and by the way," She said in english. "The two of us can speak Korean so it won't be that hard for you two." May stated in Korean.

"Ah, that's good, okay." I replied back in Korean. "Okay, shall we go? We've found our partners." May asked. "Right, before that, would you guys be okay if the four of us go together?" She asked. "Sure." Hyunjin said. "Alright, let's head back to class first. I have to pass you the timetable for this 2 days." May said as we followed the girls back to their class.

While we were going to class, we decided to introduce each other.
"Let's say our names, hobbies and what we love." Shiro said. "So I'm Shiro, I love cheesecake, anime and manga, my hobbies are reading and writing." Shiro introduced herself.
"I'm Hwang Hyunjin. My hobbies are dancing and swimming. I love dancing and this guy beside me, named Seungmin." He said, making me hit him. "Yah!" I shouted. The girls looked at us with a surprised look.

"Ah sorry, this guy is.." I said when they suddenly smiled, more of like... Grinned. "Oh we respect gays. It's fine, you can flirt infront of us, just maybe not others."Shiro said. We soon reached the classroom and May went to her bag to take out the timetables.

"Here, our timetables, some classes remains normal but mostly, we'll be touring around the school and have fun." May said. "Cool!" Hyunjin smiled. "Anygays... We got quite some time before your first class in Singapore starts so.. Wanna play a game? We can know more about each other." Shiro asked as we nodded. "Asking question game?" She asked. "You girls better not make this a fucked up game." Hyunjin said.

The girls smirked at each other, obviously they're going to fuck things up. "Yah yah!" I raised my voice. "Okay okay we won't...i think."They said. We started playing and May asked first. "How did you two meet?"

"There's actually 2 parts to this 'How did we meet' part, but I'll just say the latest one. We met cause our families runs our own company. We' an arranged marriage." I told him. "Ooh.." They said. "How about the first part?" May suddenly asked. I looked at Hyunjin, then looked at the girls. "I can tell you two privately.. But THIS IS ONE THING THAT I CANT SAY, IN FRONT OF HYUNJIN." I told them.

"Aw man.. Alright your turn Seungmin." She said. "When are your birthdays?" I asked. "My birthday is on 10 October." Shiro said. "My birthday is on 18 March." May said. "Yoo, no way! My birthdays on 20 March! We're just 2 days away from each other!" Hyunjin exclaimed. "Oh shit really?!" May asked as Hyunjin nodded. "Anyways, your turn Hyunjin." I said.

"Ooh, okay. Ermm.. What is Singapore most known for?" He asked. "Ooh, nice question. Singapore is known for its clean streets and its modern and tall buildings." Shiro replied. "My turn." She said and smirked. "Do you both like each other? Be honest. No lying, I know if you are lying. I am a Lie detector." Shiro said. Honestly, that question caught me off guard.
It got me thinking, do I like Hyunjin?

I knew that in the past, I liked him. But how about now? Do I still like him? Or is he merely just a friend, nothing more? I looked at Hyunjin, waiting for his answer.

"I.. I don't." I said, straightforwardly. Shiro looked at me, intensely.

(from now until day 3 ends, I'm gonna add Singlish words, so yall pls ignore. Singaporeans uty oso.)

"Walao eh liar sia you! (You're a liar!)" Shiro exclaimed. "What? No I'm not." I told them. "I smell lies. You're unsure about your feelings aren't you?" Shiro said. I asked her how she knew and she replied with, "I told you, I myself is a lie detector."She said. "Moving on! May!" Shiro said. The game continued for 10 more minutes and we ended it.

Class started and first period was Geography. We sat with our partners and 2nd period was PE. For PE, me, Hyunjin and the 2 girls were dismissed to go to the hall for the talk.
Most part of the talk was kinda boring when Hyunjin asked me to accompany him to the toilet. I agreed and so we told the girls and Ms Kang that we're going to the toilet. The girls asked if they should show us the way but we declined cause we just wanted to skip the talk.

We did went to the toilet as I was quite urgent and I don't think I would be able to hold it longer. After that, I washed my hands and dried them. I sat down on the chair that was in the toilet and was about to take out my phone when Hyunjin lifted my chin and connected our lips.

"Mmph!" I made a noise. He then pulled apart. "Yah! Didn't I say in the bus that if you did something like this, you won't be seeing the night?" I glared. "But we did say somewhere private. This is a private area. No one's in the toilet now, other than us." He smirked. "No Hyunjin, we are not going to do whatever you're thinking of right now, you dirty llama. I told you last night. And if we did do that now, what if someone came in, seeing us?" I sighed. "There's a reason why there are such things as cubicles." Hyunjin said.

"Hyunjin please, we can do whatever you're thinking of. Only when we've reach home. Look, I'm already giving you the permission. So please let's just enjoy our trip in SG for this week. We can have kisses." I told him. "But you're so irresistible right now, I can't hold myself back. You do know that right?" Hyunjin said, kneeling down so our eyes were at the same level.

"Jinnie ah~, I hope you know that I am also holding myself back from doing it. Whenever you give me those eyes, I always seem to just melt down. I want to do many things to you, and I know you do too. Your eyes are filled with lust that I just want to succumb or submit myself all to you." I told him, in a soft and sweet voice. Our eyes were locked on and we both leaned in, attaching our lips together.
We intertwined our hands together as my other hand was on his neck.

Hyunjin, I think.. no, I'm pretty sure I like you. In fact, Love you.


Okay that was so cute. I pretended to be Seungmin and thought how about his feelings and when I write the 'Jinnie ah~' part, my heart was already beating quickly and I actually did felt like melting down. Pretty sure that's called 'In someone else's shoes'.

I love this book😂

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