Chapter 16

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No One POV

It's been a week since Yuna transferred to Seungmin and Hyunjin's school. Ever since Yuna came, Seungmin felt really jealous of her and Hyunjin being together. He knows that Hyunjin likes Seungmin alone. But the small fact that he might start liking Yuna made Seungmin worried.

He's been avoiding Hyunjin at all cost in school, unless it's at home. But still, he would only start a few conversations, either about homework, food or about their friends. The moment Hyunjin cuddles or show affection to Seungmin, he would stop it, saying 'not now'.

Hyunjin, after a week of Seungmin ignoring him, felt like something was wrong.


Seungmin and Hyunjin woke up at almost the same time, 9am.

"Good morning baby." Hyunjin said but Seungmin did not reply. Instead, he got up and went straight to the bathroom.

30 minutes later, Seungmin came out and told Hyunjin, "I'm meeting my friends later. I'm eating dinner with them also so don't wait for me." Seungmin then head down to the kitchen, leaving Hyunjin in their room.

Seungmin, still being kind, still made breakfast for Hyunjin. "Should I make lunch and dinner for him as well?" Seungmin thought and just nodded at his idea. "Either way, I'm only gonna be meeting them at 12."He thought as he made lunch and dinner for Hyunjin. By 11 am, he finished making and wrapped it up in a plastic wrap and left it in the refrigerator.

He then drank coffee before heading back to his room. At 11.40am, he changed to his outfit, grabbed his bag and head back down.



Seungmin POV

As I head back down after grabbing everything I need, I saw Hyunjin lying on the couch, using his phone. He saw me and stared at me.

"What?" I asked him. "Youre gonna go out like that? Looking that hot?" Hyunjin said as I blushed a little. "Whats wrong with it? I'm only just meeting up with my friends." I told him as he came towards me and I took a step back until my back hit a table. He placed his hands on the table, leaning in.

(okay I tried. I was finding for a simar photo on google but I couldn't so I made my own one.)

I started become red as he continued leaning in. Without knowing, I closed my eyes and he connected our lips together. We moved in sync for some time before pulling apart. I touched my lips and I could feel my face heating up.

"I- I gotta go now!" I said, pushing him and left the house. Omo, what did I just do!? Ahh I kissed him back without me knowing! Omgomgomg. Okay, Kim Seungmin, chill your tits down, even though you don't have one.

I calmed down and went to meet my friends.

Hyunjin POV

After Seungmin left, I chuckled. I went back to the couch and continued using my phone.

About an hour later, I heard a knock on the door. I went and opened it, revealing Yuna. "Oppa!" She called and hugged me. "Oh my, Yuna why are you here?" I asked. "Obviously, I'm here to see you oppa!" She said and it gave me the chills. "Okay, first off, get off of me. Secondly, I never asked you to come." I bluntly told her. She obeyed to what I said and stopped hugging me. She then looked sad. "You know, I saw Kim Seungmin earlier..." She said, as she took out her phone, searching for something.

"Where is he? What is he doing?" I asked Yuna. "Well, he was dressed up like this.. And he was with people." She said and showed me the picture.

'Did he change his outfit?' I thought as I looked at the picture."Do you know where he was going? Where did you see him?" I asked. "Nope, but I saw him in the mall. Anyways, oppa, I'm here. Don't care about Kim Seungmin." Yuna said. I mean.. She's technically still a girl.

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