Chapter 10 Girls Night

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Blake sighed. "Yes." I smiled feeling butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Really?" I questioned. He looked at me and nodded. "Yeah Anna I do." He answered. "Well I love you too." I said. "Wait...what?" I giggled. "I love you too Blake." I repeated. He smiled big and leaned down to kiss me which I gladly returned. We finally pulled apart when oxygen was needed. "I love you Annabelle Marie Carter." He said as he took my hand into his. "I love you Blake Richard Carter."

It's been 3 years since me and Blake has happily been together. 3 years since Ryan has left out lives. On me and Blake's 2 year anniversary Blake proposed and of course I said yes. We have been officially been married for the past 3 months and I absolutely love being Mrs. Annabelle Marie Carter.

"Hey babygirl." Blake said as I was just putting on my shoes. "Hey Blake." I said and kissed his cheek. "Where are you off to?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Going to grab some dinner with Raven and then come back here for a girls night."

"Aw I wanna join." He pouted. I giggled as the doorbell rang. I quickly kissed Blake and walked down the stairs. I opened the door to reveal Raven and Christopher. "Oh hey Chris." I said. "Hey Anna." he responded. "Kay well we are out of here." I said grabbing my jacket and purse. "Boys you better be gone by the time we get back." Raven said. "For how long?" Christopher asked. "Until morning." Both me and Raven said at the same time. "But what are we supposed to do?" Blake whined. "I don't know but we will see you tomorrow. I love you." I gave him a kiss and walked out with Raven.

By the time we made it back to my house Raven was out of it. I laughed as I helped her onto the couch. "No more martinis for you." I said. She gave me a smile before passing out. I shook my head and walked back to the car to grab our leftovers and purses. "Annabelle..." I heard someone whisper. I stood up and looked around. "Blake? Chris?" I called out but no one answered. I shrugged thinking I was just hearing things. Just as I closed the car door I heard it again. "Annabelle..."

"Okay guys this isn't funny." I said. When I got no response again I quickly locked the car door and started to quickly walk back towards the front door. Out of nowhere someone grabbed me by my waist from behind, but before I could screamed they placed something over my mouth. I dropped everything I was holding and tried scratching and fighting the person off. Before I knew it I was growing weak and blackness soon consumed me.

Blake's POV:

Me and Christopher pulled up at me and Annabelle's house the next morning to see her car in the driveway but her things and their leftovers on the front lawn. "Damn they must have had a crazy night." Christopher said. I nodded and got out of the car. I grabbed both her and Raven's bags and walked into the unlocked house.

I walked straight up the stairs to our bedroom to see it empty. I placed Annabelle's bag on the bed and walked into the bathroom to see it also empty. I walked back downstairs and into the kitchen to see Raven sitting at the island with her head laying on it and Christopher making coffee. "Hey." I said as I placed her bag on the island next to her. "Shh." She said holding her head. Hangover.

"Uh where's Annabelle?" I asked. "What are you talking about? Isn't she upstairs sleeping still?" Raven asked. "No she's not and her car is out front." I said starting to get worried. "Last thing I remember is Annabelle helping me onto the couch and then I passed out." She said. "Have you tried calling her?" Christopher asked. "Her phone was in her purse which is now upstairs." Where the hell is she?

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