Chapter 18 This Isn't Goodbye

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"She's a bitch." Taylor said. 'And she's a fucking wannabe." Raven snapped back. "A wannabe? Anna why do you still hangout with this trash?" Taylor asked. "I don't. Raven why are you here?" I asked her. Raven just simply stood there and shrugged. "Leave Raven." Christopher said. "What?" Raven looked at him shocked. "Obviously Annabelle doesn't want you here." Christopher told her. "You're doing it again!" Raven snapped at him. "What are you talking about?" Christopher completely turned towards her. "You're choosing her over me AGAIN." She sneered. Christopher sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please Raven for the love of God grow up!" Raven crossed her arms across her chest. "You still love her." She accused. "For the millionth time me and Annabelle are JUST FRIENDS." He snapped at her. "Raven will you get over it already, me and Chris have been broken up for 5 years." I told her. "I should've killed you when I had the chance, fucking whore!" She yelled at me before storming out the door. "Uhm am I missing something?" Taylor asked. "Nope, she's just still pissed over the fact that me and Christopher dated when we were younger." I told her.

It's been 3 months since I was in the hospital. Taylor fit right in with everyone, we were all one big happy family. Me, Taylor and Sierra were currently sitting in the living room when the doorbell rang, I groaned and pushed myself off the couch. "I got it." I said and walked over to the front door. I opened the door to reveal a young man dressed in military clothing. "Hello, may I help you?" I said. "Yes, is there a Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs here?" He asked. "I'm Mrs. Jacobs." I told him. He simply just handed me a letter. "Thank you." I said as I took it from him. He nodded at me before walking off towards his car. I closed the door and walked back into the living room, confused.

The men were sitting in the living room at this point and I went and sat next to Blake on the couch. "Who was it babe?" He asked. I shrugged and just handed him the letter. "It's for you." Blake took the letter and opened it, reading it over. "What is it?" Nicholas asked. "A letter from the army." He answered. "Let me guess, they're calling you out." Nicholas said. Blake sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah they are." Nicholas nodded. "Yeah I got mine yesterday." He said. I knew both guys were in the reserves for the past 5 years, but I never thought they would be called for war. "How long will you be gone?" I asked. Blake shrugged. "I honestly don't know." I chewed on my lower lip. "When do you leave?" I asked him. He looked down at the paper. "Tomorrow." He sighed again before pulling me into his arms as tears fell down my cheeks.

Early the next morning I stood on our front porch watching Blake load him stuff into the car. I had my hand on my growing stomach that held our beautiful baby. Blake walked over to me and hugged me tightly. "I love you Anna." He said kissing my head. I wrapped my arms back around him closing my eyes. "I love you too Blake." He pulled back from the hug and kissed me softly. I pulled away and quickly put his hand on my stomach as the baby started to kick. Blake smiled so big I thought his cheeks were going to fall off. I giggled and kissed him again. "Jacobs let's go!" The guy driving him to base yelled. "Bye baby." He kissed my cheek before getting into the car and driving off.

It's been 5 years now since Blake has left and since I had our beautiful daughter, Amanda. I was currently in the kitchen making Amanda a snack as she sat in the living room watching tv. I heard the front door open and quickly walked over seeing Amanda was the one to open it. Amanda Madeline Jacobs what did I say about opening the front door?" I scowled her. "I'm sorry mama." She said. I sighed. "Go play baby." I watched her run off before turning to the men at the door. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Yes I have a package for Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Johnson." One of them said. "Yes right this way." I led the two men into the living with the big box. I signed for it once they sat it down. "Thank you." I told them and led them back out. "What is that?" Sierra asked coming into the living room. I shrugged. "No idea, it's addressed to the both of us." I told her. Amanda started jumping up and down excited. "Open it mama." She said. I laughed at her excitement. "Alright, alright." I said. We counted to three before we opened up the box to reveal the men jumping out. "SURPRISE!" They both screamed.

Both me and Sierra squealed in surprise before we actually realized our husbands were standing in front of us, laughing. "Oh my god!" I said and jumped into Blake's arms. "Hi baby," He said kissing my head. "I missed you so much Blake." I said standing back to take a look at him. I felt little hands around my leg and looked down to see Amanda crying and frightened. "Aw baby, it's okay." I told her and picked her up. "This is your daddy." I kissed her cheek softly. "Blake meet our daughter Amanda Madeline Jacobs." I told him. Blake smiled over at her. "Hey there." Amanda smiled and reached out to him. Blake quickly took her into his arms and she snuggled into him, it really was an amazing moment. "I really can't believe it's been that long." He said as he kissed her head and sat her down on the floor, just as Christopher walked into the living room. "Uncle Chris!" Amanda said running to him. "Mandy!" He smiled and picked her up. "You're late Chris, go get your shoes baby." I told him and gave him a hug as Amanda ran to her room.. "Better late than never." He responded. He looked over and saw Blake and Nicholas. "Blake, Nick you're back." Nicholas nodded. "Yeah we just got back." Amanda ran back down with her shoes and jacket on. "Have fun baby." I told her and gave her a hug. "Where's Mia?" Christopher asked. "With Logan, she'll come by later." Christopher nodded picking up Amanda. "Well see you later." he said and left. "So uh whose Mia?" Blake asked.

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