Chapter 4 (Aftermath)

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Chapter 4 (The aftermath)

Yibo reached his massive house. He walked in silently, put his work case on the table and went up to his bedroom. He flogged himself onto the bed and uses the pillow to cover his head as he is trying really hard to forget the incident that kept stirring his heart. He remembered the body that he carried, the hand on his cheek making all kind of shape and the mouth touching his chest. Yibo's hand automatically move from his check, to his ab, to his chest. He got so frustrated with his own feeling and the heat that started to boil in his body that he decided to go for a swim in his big pool.

He change into his tog and plunge into the water and began to swim vigorously, non-stop for 50 laps. He felt like he is battling something that has attached or grow in his body. He wanted them to go away or on second thought does he. His mind is still battling when his face is swimming fiercely in the water. Every strike and splash in the water helps him to ensure him that he is still in control in his body functioning including his flustering heart.

He began to feel tire. 50 laps, oh my gosh.... He got up, put on his towel and began to dry himself and then it reaches his ab. He feels that HAND again "Shit!!!!!" he exclaimed and returned to the house. He is famish now and he ordered his servant to cook even though it is only 5pm. His thought is food will help him to control his mind, soul and body as well.

He had a long shower, in his comfort clothes and began to have a heavy meal. When he is satisfied with his meal. He walked to his study. Took out his laptop and wanted to organise his work for tomorrow. After vigorously typing on his laptop. His mind drifted into 1 name that is still lingering "XIAO ZHAN" ........... "Mmmm".......


Zuo Cheng huff and puff all the way bringing the big baby back to their house. He was greeted by their elder sister Yanli who then help to bring Xiao Zhan into his room.

"A Cheng, change his clothes, so that he can sleep comfortably" Yanli

"No, he kicked me in front of whole University, let him sleep in his dirty clothes, I don't care" Zuo Cheng was angry

"Please A Cheng" Yanli beg

"No, he will be fine. I want him to remember what he did, so that he will be embarrassed and probably buried himself somewhere and I don't have to take care of this baby again" Zuo Cheng refused to listen and he

Yanli just cover Xz with the duvet and let him sleep.

Next Morning

"Jie Jie, my head hurts, help me, I am dying" XZ shouted

"My wish comes true if that happens" Zuo Cheng replied when both of them rush in

"You shut up!!!!, Jie helps me" XZ whined

"Come, I cooked our favourite Pork bone lotus soap, ok" Yanli

"Ok, some medication first, Jie" XZ pouted

After some medication, Zuo Cheng throw a pillow at XZ who is still in the bed.

"Do you remember what happened last night" Zuo Cheng asked

"No, I slept after drinking... orange juice...yummy, it is sweet but some bitterness as well" XZ frown

"It contains alcohol, you idiot"

"Oh, no. did I do anything out of order" XZ playing with his fingers now, he knows what happened when he is drunk. They told him many times as he got drunk a few times. Once, he took off Zuo Cheng shoes and starts hitting everyone in the restaurant at 16 years old. When he was 17 years old, he kissed Zuo Cheng on the cheek and called him "Baby and honey" which makes Zuo Cheng sulked and refused to talk to him for a week.

"Of course, you idiots, you flirt with a MAN, a MAN" Zuo Cheng shouted and yelled on top of his voice

"O" Xiao Zhan blushes and cover himself with the blanket

"You, jumped onto him, he carried you, you touches his abs" Zuo Cheng

"Ewww" XZ

"Then you play with his face to make a smile" Zuo continues.  Yanli started to hold her stomach and laugh

"Ahhhh..." XZ , shocked and dumbfounded.

"After that you intertwine your fingers with him like a lover and then YOU KICK ME"

"WHAT!!!!!!, OMG, this is embarrassing" Xiao Zhan cover his head with the duvet now. Then the mischievous one pulled down his duvet and stick out his tougue

"At least I did something right" XZ

"What!!!!, nothing was right, it is like your flirtatious nature"

"I kick you, I think you deserve that, haha" XZ laughs

"YOU!!! YOU!!!!! Shithead, I carry you back and now you ....." Zuo Cheng starts jumping onto XZ and XY started to have a bed pillow fight with him. Yanli just shake her head and laugh.

Xiao Zhan is an orphan, his parents passed away when he was young. He is adopted by Mr and Mrs Jiang, parents of Zuo Cheng and Yanli. Their relationship are close, just like brothers and sister.

"Oh, Jie, I forgot, I need to go to the car and take out our Internship letter, we are starting our internship on Monday" Zuo Cheng

"Oh yes, go now, big head, you should bring it in yesterday" XZ teased

"What!!!!, I brought a giant baby home yesterday, shit!!!!" Zuo Cheng angrily reply and run out to take the 2 envelopes.

"Wow, I will have my internship at the Yumeng Corporation, I am so happy, it is quite a large Corporation, Jie" Zuo Cheng keep spinning around happily.

"Zhan, what about you?" Yanli asked

"Yes, Yes, I am going to the Wang Corporation, Yayyy, they are the largest Corporation in China" XZ starts jumping on the bed.

"Wait!!!!" Zuo Cheng

"What!!!!" XZ

"Mmmm... didn't you flirt with the CEO of Wang Coporation yesterday" Zuo Cheng

"Huh!!!" XZ stops jumping and slumber down the bed

"You haven't even started in the company and you are already flirting with the big boss, haha" Zuo Cheng laugh while holding his stomach

"Oh no, Jie, what should I do?" XZ faked a cry

"You are only a tiny intern, he will not even know who you are there. Maybe avoid him if you see him far away, 1 year is fast in a big corporation" Yanli console XZ

"Yup, take the stairs, big boss always take the lift, more exercise too" Zuo Cheng could not stop laughing.

"Oh no!!!!!, I am a dead duck!!!!! " Xiao Zhan covered the letter on his face and dump himself on the bed......


I hope you all like this chapter. Will update asap. 

Thank you for reading agin

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