Chapter 21 - Real Man

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I blinked my eyes open to see I was still in the hospital from yesterday.

I looked around and sighed remembering everything.

"Man it's real.." I said to myself. "it's really real ..."

Ramya was really dead ....

I slowly sat up in my bed and raised the sheet from over my leg seeing a big white wrap around my calve.

To be honest I really felt like crying but I remembered I had to stay strong.

"I know she's in a better place..." I said to myself.

After a few minutes of sitting there in silence my room door swung open.

I looked up to see my nurse walking in uneasily.

I frowned as I watched her stumble into the room with her eyes wide.

"Um.. are you ok?" I asked

She stopped in the doorway and fell to her knees and started choking and blood began to run down her mouth.

I say all the way up. "oh shit!"

She then fell flat on her face and I saw multiple pieces of glass in her back with blood soaking the back of her nurse shirt.

My heart began to beat as I saw biggie slowly walk into my room with a smirk on his face.

I braced myself for what was about to happen next....

No telling what he was about to do.

"So you thought it was over young blood? You thought I was about to let you get away that easily?" He chuckled . "nah man... you got another thing coming."

A raft of fear along with anger took over my body and I clenched my jaws. "what do you want from me?"

"Oh you know what I want...."

"What you want your fucking money? You already know I don't have it big! The police-"
He cut me off. "fuck that money nigga! I want your life..." he yelled,but whispering the "life" part.

"Come on man please. you already took my sisters life and she wasn't even apart of this! Isn't that enough!"

Biggie shook his head. "hell nahhh it wasn't my fault her dumb ass was in the damn way! That bullet was supposed to be in YOUR head but she blocked my shot, so now it's time to take what was supposed to be taken yesterday."

He then walked up to my bed and met a gun to my four head.

I didn't move, I just sat there waiting on my fate. I mean if I die now it's not like anyone would miss me, besides I have nothing else to live for.

"You know what, go ahead." I said. "you low life piece of shit. I ruined my fucking life dealing with your fat ass. but you know what I was dumb for that shit. your nothing but a money hungry bitch ass nigga. you need fucking guards to protect you. you killed an innocent girl down to her death and you could give one fuck. but you reap what you sew nigga and all that shit is gonna back fire on you ten times worse. and your fat Rick Ross looking ass ain't gone have nobody to help go ahead and shoot me." I laughed. "your a real fucking weak ass nigga. you can't fight like a real man, you hide behind that gun when really you ain't shit."

Biggie looked mad as hell. he knew all this shit I was saying was true.

At that point I wasn't scared of him anymore. he wasn't nothing but I weak bitch behind that gun.

I laughed at how angry he was. "you mad a hell right now ain't it big boy."

"Fuck you!" He yelled and was about to pull the trigger, but I quickly punched his arm away and he shot the wall instead.
I grabbed the tray beside my bed and swung that shit right in his face and then kicked his ass in the stomach. "Ah fuck!"

He groaned and bent over and I quickly grabbed the gun out of his and.

I aimed that shit right at his face as I hopped out of the bed.

The pain in my leg was killing me, but I didn't give a fuck. I had this nigga where I wanted him.

"Who's a man now? Huh?" I said. "you ain't shit without this gun right?"

He looked at me. "what are you waiting for! Shoot me then!"

I looked him dead in the eyes. "I have a million reasons why I should and really should." I slowly put the gun down and tossed it across the floor. "but I won't, because unlike you I Learned that real men don't need that shit.."

"He's in here!" Someone yelled
And with that a bunch of security guards and police came in and tackled biggie down.

I limped out of the way and watched as they cuffed him up.
"This ain't over young blood!" He yelled as they yanked him out of the room. "THIS ISNT OVER!"

One of the police came up to me "are you hurt?"

I shook my head. "nah I'm good, but yall sure came right on time."

He nodded. "sure thing."

Another nurse walked over to me with a wheelchair and I sat down in it.
"They'll be issuing you to another room while we get this room investigated and cleaned up with the body and everything else." the officer said.

I nodded. "ok cool."
"And don't worry he won't be out of jail for a LOOONG time for running an illegal program and the murder of several people. he might even have a life sentence."

I nodded again.

"Well take care of yourself and stay safe kid."
"Don't worry I will." I said as the nurse wheeled me out of the room and down the hall.


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