Chapter 3 -Monday

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I blinked my eyes open, seeing the sunlight beam into my eyes from the window in the far corner of the room.

Last night was just a mess. I can't believe my mom. she didn't even believe ray when he told her what mike had tried to do to me. that's just critical on so many levels. who puts a man before their kids?

I yawned and checked the clock on the nightstand. "7:15"

Today was Monday so that meant school! I was actually the type of girl that loved to go to school.

But it was only because I got to get out of the house and away from mike.

"Ray.." I said and shook him.

He groaned and fanned me away. "go back to sleep Ramya."

"It's Monday." I said and shook him again, but harder. "We have school remember. Get up."

He sighed deeply and sat up. "damn."

I got out of his bed and stretched my body out. "are we walking today? or taking your car?"

"My car." he said in a raspy voice and yawned.

"Ok, I'm going to get dressed."

He simply nodded and I walked out of his room.

The mess in the Hallway was still there. Not a piece of glass or picture was picked up.

I walked over the broken pieces of glass, carful not to step on any.

I went down the hall, passing the den.

Mike is usually always in there watching tv.

I didn't bother to look in there, I just kept walking.

But I knew he had to be in there because I heard the television.

"Ramya!" he called out. "Come here!"

I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace, speed walking to my room and quickly closing the door.

I didn't have time for him this morning.

I locked my door just incase he tried to come in.

I walked over to my closet to search for a outfit to wear,

I had a lot of clothes and shoes because my mom owned a hair salon along with being a children's doctor at a clinic downtown so she made a great amount of money.

I wasn't complaining though, but it did suck because she was paying things and buying everything we needed on her own, while mike just lived off of her.

That's sad.

I searched through the rack in my closet, picking out a black pair of ripped skinny jeans, a red sweatshirt with black words reading " Run DMC "
Along with my black vans.

I went into my room bathroom and took a quick shower and did my hygiene thing.


"RAMYA!" ray called out, knocking on my door. "Let's go!"

I quickly finished putting my hair in a messy bun. "ok! here I come!"

I grabbed my bag and opened my door, seeing ray standing there waiting for me. "about time slow poke."

I giggled and we walked downstairs.

My mom was sitting at the kitchen table with mike. "Good morning you two!" she smiled.

Ray didn't say anything he just walked right passed her and grabbed 2 granola bars off of the counter.

I stood there. "good morning." I said lowly.

Mike glanced at me and looked at me from head to toe, which made me feel uncomfortable.

He smirked and looked away.

I swear he is a pervert.

"I said good morning ray." my mom said frowning at him.

Ray handed me one of the bars and led me out of the door, ignoring her. "Come on Ramya."

We walked outside closing the door behind us.

"Can you believe her? being all happy like all that shit didn't happen last night." ray said unlocking his car door.

I shook my head and got into the passenger side. "well she doesn't hold grudges."

He smacked his teeth. "bullshit"

He cranked the car up and backed out of the driveway.

I took the wrapper off of my granola bar and quickly ate it.

"I have to go to Justin's house after school today to handle some business. so do you want to go to Kayla's house or any where else until I'm finished? because I'm not dropping you home alone with mike."

"Yeah, Kayla's house. ill let her know."

He nodded putting his focus back on the road.

"Why do you always have to take care of ' business '?" I asked. "what business?"

He sighed. "its grown man business Ramya you don't need to know."

I rolled my eyes. "yeah sure."

We drove for a couple more minutes and we finally pulled up in front of my school. raven view middle school.

I leaned over and kissed ray on the cheek. "bye."

"Alright see you later Ramya."

I stepped out of the car and made my way inside of the building.

As soon as I stepped In I felt arms being wrapped around my waist.

"The hell?" I said frowning.

I turned around and saw jaden.

He stood there smiling. "was sup babe."

Jaden was was my boyfriend. even though I wasn't allowed to have one until another 2 years.

I hugged him and pecked his lips. "hey."

"I was waiting right by the door for you. I missed yo fine ass. how come you didn't call me all weekend?"

"Oh my phone is off, but it's getting cut back on today though." I said.

"Aw damn." he groaned and put his arm around my waist. "come on ill walk you to your class."

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